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  • Liesl_Kang

    Girls have it so much easier than guys when it comes to initiating platonic touch.

    And his prediction about her finding people that would like her ended up being correct. When she went off to college, her roommate had an anxiety disorder and the two of them became best friends from the first time Vivian offered to paint her nails and ended up absorbing all of her stress. 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang

    He probably had everything ready to go already and was just waiting for her to give the go-ahead.

    Annalise found that she couldn't say no to that even though she probably should. So, despite how insane it was, she found herself married the next day because he managed to get their documentation together alarmingly fast. And that was that. 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang

    It must be nice to not have to worry about overeating: he can never get fat.

    "I'm going with you," Romeo said, refusing to take no for an answer. 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang

    Thinking about how your behavior impacts others feelings towards you is a sort of caring. If you completely didn’t care you’d be fine without them and/or with hurting them. The desire to avoid losing or hurting them is caring! Silly, lil’ Romeo.

    Sarah and Annalise didn't think that he was creepy like everyone else did. They accepted the lack of emotion in his face and voice because they believed that his actions were proof of his emotions. His actions proved nothing. They were mistaken but he couldn't ever correct them. 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang

    Tell her you have a mild cold you don’t want to share. Then cough sporadically.

    The problem was when she had to go home for Thanksgiving because he didn't know how well Sarah would do without getting any of her emotions for so long. Five days. He wouldn't be full anymore after two so there was also the worry of accidentally taking some of what little his mother had when she hugged him. 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang
    Replied to Corralynn

    Psychological issues and differences do frequently show hereditary trends.

    Her dad. Marshall's unemployment issues. Dawn's baby daddies. Her own mental health history. She may have been the first kid in the family to completely lose it but everyone else had followed suit one way or another. She was now considered the resident mental health expert. 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang

    Ah, the money Romeo must be able to save by have only token food expenses!

    Romeo insisted on treating her instead though. As much as she didn't want to burden him more than she already had, she accepted for the sake of her bank account. There were so many things that she was curious about but she didn't think that she could ask any of them without being horribly rude. 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang
    Replied to jd1270168

    He’d have to make sure to shake their hands at the beginning or end of each session, otherwise they’d probably get weirded out by him being touchy.

    Romeo read so much trying to understand the emotions that he couldn't properly feel. By this point, he could put a name to almost everything that he absorbed. 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang
    Replied to Mmonro73

    Clearly it is Gary, his eager to please assistant.

    As she curled up in her fiancé's arms, she thought, 'You're the best boy, Leo.' She could almost imagine him saying 'I know' in response and fell asleep with a smile on her face.
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang
    Replied to Mmonro73
    Mila kept him up to date on her auditions now that she was back at them and he loved seeing her light up the way she always did when she talked about her passion. It was so, so tempting to kiss her but he had to hold himself back. They were just friends. He couldn't mess with that. 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang
    Replied to WalkerBoh

    “Flying fornication”

    He did occasionally go out for a few hours when there were meetings he couldn't miss or errands he had to run for her but he always came back and fussed over her like he had been. Anytime she tried to say that he didn't need to keep doing this, he insisted that he had to stay until she was able to do things on her own. 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang

    It really depends on what sort of contract Jonathan is under. A lot of states have at will employment, but if he has a contract that specifies otherwise then there would be more involved with either a firing or quitting.

    Honestly, it pissed Drew off. He had considered firing Jonathan more than once after finding out what he did to Mila and how her whole life had been affected by it but he couldn't just fire someone competent for no reason. 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang

    To her dad?! Why exactly is her father the important person in their so called “relationship”?

    "Can you just listen to me? I still love you! I got this job—I've worked so hard—trying to prove that I'm worthy of you to your dad. I made a mistake, okay? I felt backed into a corner and couldn't say no. It wasn't even a real date! I was just there so no one else bothered her!" 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang
    Replied to WalkerBoh

    It’s a figurative type of chewing.

    He knew a bit about constantly being left behind himself. He was one of the youngest CEOs in the country and he still wasn't good enough to get any of his parents' attention. 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang

    It is usually the other way around… with the human in the suit…

    Figuring out what happened to him wasn't as important as moving forward with it until he had a plan to get control of his body back. Kicking this cat out was imperative. He didn't want to deal with his super weird owner either. She had to be some sort of freak to accept a cat wearing a human suit into her bed. 
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang
    Replied to WalkerBoh
    An unfamiliar male voice that definitely wasn't his sounded in his head as if he was thinking it even though he wasn't. 'You aren't dreaming. Somehow, I ended up in control of your body after I died so I came home. I didn't know you were still in here though.'
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang

    Meeting her, not here.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang

    Near not nearly.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang

    Didn’t Kerznik have to download the language from Nick? How are they both speaking English?

    "It wasn't easy, I'll tell you that much. We had to run a lot of calculations about where you could have potentially crashed after news got out that you supposedly fell out of lightspeed. How are you even alive after that?" the alien asked.
    A Dose of Love: Bite-Sized Fantastical Love Stories
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat
  • Liesl_Kang

    I can not even imagine dealing with a newborn feeding and sleep schedule (or lack thereof) for a decade. Just thinking about it loosens my grip on sanity.

    Flora thought Vesper was cute but boring for the first decade or so of his life because he did little but eat and sleep. He started reaching milestones such as rolling over, sitting up, and crawling once he was six years old and he was able to say everyone's names (Mama, Dada, and Fo) and several other necessary words like "bud" (blood)  by the time he was ten.
    Bloody Rich
    Fantasy · Mcllorycat