


I never thought that by reading online novels would eventually convert me to be a newly hatched bookworm 📕 🐛..😅

2022-01-22 JoinedPhilippines

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  • Atarah
    Maxi gaped and immediately tried to dissuade her. "Y-You mustn't! I-It would be too dangerous."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah

    Eth lene?? It's Ethylene🙄

    "It might be news of the army successfully recapturing Eth Lene Castle."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah
    Replied to VerA
    She joined the prayers dedicated to them every morning and eagerly awaited news of a victory at Louivell. However, the messengers always brought the same news. Both armies were at a standstill because the troll army's barrier was proving difficult to breach, impeding an all-out battle.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah

    For first time readers please continue reading. Don't mind those who commented about the coin. Those are re-readers like me, you'll know what it signifies soon.

    Maxi's eyes grew round when she saw the conflict raging on his face. Riftan stood immobile, hesitating, then pulled something out from beneath his armor. Maxi looked down at his palm blankly. In his hand was a shekel coin. It was slightly dented, and one of its sides was blackened.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah
    Replied to Alinita

    Go ahead! Anatol doesn't mind putting up a new branch of law enforcement, in addition to your present duties you will also prevent and apprehend those who causes "snu" interruptions. Like the maidds,and the knights! Hahahha😅

    Riftan narrowed his eyes. "I do not intend to lay a hand on you until you're used to being on the ship, so stop worrying and give it here."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah

    I don't mind if you messed up translating the name of that egotistical monster dude from Balto. But please reinstate the name of Sir Sejour!😭

    "Including you and your knights, a total of three thousand five hundred men. A thousand five hundred sent by the Royal House of Wedon, and two thousand sent by Balto. All of them left for the battlefield as soon as they arrived."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah

    NO! IT'S SEJOUR! Huhu 😭 Even Google translated it as Sejour when I read this in Ridibooks. But the rest of the Google translation made me rethink of all my decisions in life up to now. Lol hahhaaha 😵😵‍💫🥴

    "I've heard that you've become an even greater knight. What a man indeed. Sejuleu will have a fit when he sees you've grown even bigger than him."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah
    Replied to Tuhil

    Their flower pots? They have hanging plants I guess, or flower store or a garden nearby? This is in medieval time, so it might be common on thier Cities at that time to have natural gardens nearby unlike ours today. 🤷‍♀️

    The people of Livadon who had flocked to catch a glimpse of the dragon-slaying knight were transfixed. They scattered bright flowers and waved white handkerchiefs as the Remdragon Knights passed.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah
    Replied to Alinita

    You've become a "snuvestigator" (snu investigator. Haha 😆

    Riftan narrowed his eyes. "I do not intend to lay a hand on you until you're used to being on the ship, so stop worrying and give it here."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah
    Replied to Huyn

    hahah you're savage! Hahaha 😅 Not knowing yet, is a bliss!

    He helped her to her feet and asked in a choked voice, "Do you think you can walk?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah
    Replied to savage_serbel

    Hahah not surprising coming from a Serbel!

    Losing her balance, Maxi flailed her arms. The wild horse had latched onto the edge of her cloak and was dragging her into the water. She struggled against it, but it was too strong, and she soon plunged into the water.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah
    Replied to ValerieArt

    Oh Hi Valerie!!!! You always supplied us with your brilliant arts back in the you know where. Hehe🥰

    After a moment's hesitation, Maxi stroked its bluish-silver mane. The wild horse gave a snort of pleasure. It seemed so placid that Maxi dropped her guard and began stroking the horse's muzzle with both hands.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah
    Replied to nennyboo3240

    this time he felt not only 10 but losing 50 years of his life.. 😢😅🥹 *panic attack*

    When she finally managed to collect herself, she looked around in silence. She had no sense of where she was. Rem had galloped down the mountain at such speed that it had apparently taken no time for Maxi to be separated from the party.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah
    Replied to Anne_may

    Rumbling song from AOT always creeps me out 😱

    Maxi slumped to the ground and directed her mana around the rune. The barrier rose higher as the mound of dirt threatened to break through. Finally, the rumbling tremors stilled just as Maxi's mana was almost depleted.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah

    that's professionalism

    "I… d-do not mind. Riftan… I mean, Sir Riftan is right. He is now… my commander, and I am his m-mage. It is only right that he demands my absolute obedience," Maxi replied, speaking as clearly as she could for Riftan to hear.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah
    Replied to ye0n_daee

    Yeah. She doesn't even know where Ethylene Castle is. haha 😆

    "We are not suggesting that we take her ladyship into the thick of battle. Once we arrive in Livadon, we will be able to request a hierarch from the church. Her ladyship could remain in the church's care while we travel on to Louivell."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah

    The official "Most Hated Symbol" of the Anatolians (readers).🤣🙂

    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah
    Replied to Shari_0238

    haha true. Just seconds before the disaster😂😉

    Maxi could not understand why the knights looked so unsettled. She tilted her head this way and that in a daze, wondering what had caused the sudden shift in atmosphere. She soon gave up and raised her goblet to her lips again. Just then, a large hand shot past her shoulder and snatched the cup from her hand.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah

    Spoiler Alert! I remembered that in book 2 the Calypse Couple had a very long lover's quarrel. And this Drinking buddy Sir Nirta was so frustrated as well that he tried every opportunity to reconcile them. 😊😊😊

    Hebaron was quick to take Maxi's side.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Atarah
    Replied to emptycans_215

    it's on my playlist. Dang it stings every time the chorus comes. Also the "Nobody Else" by Ailee (not sure if that's the correct name of the singer) is the second theme song.

    "I'm sorry. Please don't cry."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim