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Hey KamiNoZero, how about we connect on Discord? It's a cool place to hang out and chat about your stories. Could you drop me your Discord ID if you're up for it?
Hey DARK_WARLOCK, how about we connect on Discord? It's a cool place to hang out and chat about your stories. Could you drop me your Discord ID if you're up for it?
Hey Drizzle12_3, how about we connect on Discord? It's a cool place to hang out and chat about your stories. Could you drop me your Discord ID if you're up for it?
Hey S_43, how about we connect on Discord? It's a cool place to hang out and chat about your stories. Could you drop me your Discord ID if you're up for it?
Hey Burning_senpai, how about we connect on Discord? It's a cool place to hang out and chat about your stories. Could you drop me your Discord ID if you're up for it?
Hey rollin_panda, how about we connect on Discord? It's a cool place to hang out and chat about your stories. Could you drop me your Discord ID if you're up for it?
Hey Iudex_Banshoman, how about we connect on Discord? It's a cool place to hang out and chat about your stories. Could you drop me your Discord ID if you're up for it?
Hey a_Oprahh1, how about we connect on Discord? It's a cool place to hang out and chat about your stories. Could you drop me your Discord ID if you're up for it?
Hey Manga_Tacos, how about we connect on Discord? It's a cool place to hang out and chat about your stories. Could you drop me your Discord ID if you're up for it?
Hey GTHarris08, how about we connect on Discord? It's a cool place to hang out and chat about your stories. Could you drop me your Discord ID if you're up for it?