

2022-01-11 JoinedGlobal

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  • IllegalHelios
    Replied to TrueDawn

    The frustration people feel at reading the first 100 odd chapters is warranted. I've only ever dropped a webnovel after it started off well but ended up being extremely disappointing, and that's only 100-200 chapters after I started wanting to drop it to make sure it wouldnt pick up again. Other times there are novels that start off really bad.... so bad that you should be paid to read 20 chapters but end up being quite enjoyable. This however, I feel like I should be paid for reading up to chapter 116. The parts where he was grinding and fighting were enjoyable, the rest is honestly skippable, and I'd you did skip your enjoy it more than I have and that's due to the personality and decisions of the MC. I really hope it gets good from 116 onwards because I really want to like this story but so far it's been frustrating to read. If it only gets good from here then author you should make it free up to when it starts getting good or rewrite it. I understand that's an unfair ask but as a reader I don't want to spend money on something I'm going to drop and you should hopefully understand that point of view. I look forward to editing or deleting this comment if the story gets better which I truly hope it does.

    MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith
    Games ¡ TrueDawn
  • IllegalHelios

    quick maths

    Dealing with the group of horned rabbits had netted him 9 EXP. On top of that 10 EXP he had made before, that made a total of 19 points. He was just 11 points away from leveling up!
    Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!
    Fantasy ¡ DurcalAka
  • IllegalHelios
    Replied to Ka0kask123

    but a level 0 zombie gives more

    [Ding! Congratulation, Host! You have slain 1 level 5 Horned Rabbit. You get +3 EXP!]
    Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!
    Fantasy ¡ DurcalAka
  • IllegalHelios
    Replied to Johanna_Lynxcastle

    flexibility yes, speed of movement no. agility generally means speed of movement and I dont know of any athlete woman faster than a male peer. girls tend to be faster than boys but when they hit puberty that quickly changes.

    In this strange world called Eldrich, the stats of normies typically hovered around five or so. However, individuals who were unfit or overweight had lower stats, usually below 5. Furthermore, it was generally noticed that women had lower stats compared to men.
    Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!
    Fantasy ¡ DurcalAka
  • IllegalHelios
    Replied to Samah_Nord

    sad but true

    Every detail of his appearance seemed sculpted to perfection, as if he was handcrafted by the gods themselves.
    Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!
    Fantasy ¡ DurcalAka
  • IllegalHelios

    she collecting them like pokemon. surprised she doesnt demand one of each race.

    "Gah! Mira was so close to getting a new mommy!" The small dragon girl threw her arms up in the air in frustration.
    First Demonic Dragon
    Fantasy ¡ AnathaShesha
  • IllegalHelios
    Replied to jake_tyke

    no, mc is a naive bitch. story is pretty good, but the MC is a massive disappointment. hes the same as the wuxia mcs everyone hates. naive and dumb wants revenge but what's he gonna do? slap them while shaking in his boots then get beat up?

    Evolution begins with an ant colony
    Fantasy ¡ Zurbluris
  • IllegalHelios

    I dont think the author is a chinese patriot, more like realistic. chinas economy is booming and the wests is failing. china has no copy write laws and they do everything they can to steal and develop technology. they are sadly becoming THE technological and economical giant, even though their people are suffering under CPP rule.

    What could Dante say, it was 2030 and China's technology was on the rise. After America's business empire declined due to the failure of fiat money and the betrayal of Saudi Arabia by eliminating the petrodollar, China quickly showed its fangs.
    I am the God of Technology
    Sci-fi ¡ Kotario
  • IllegalHelios
    Replied to A_Jhonny

    Chapters of this novel or the other? Chaotic Sword God is the name of the novel that this novel copies. It's a typical chinese wuxia novel and is pretty good. I got to chapter 2.3k or around that and waited for the release of new chapters but didnt pick it back up afterwards. This was 6 years ago so the novel is definitely finished by now.

    Hitman with a Badass System
    Action ¡ don_offl
  • IllegalHelios
    Replied to A_Jhonny

    Only the first 100 or so chapters are original. I've read the rest before on various chinese wuxia novels that completed years ago.

    Hitman with a Badass System
    Action ¡ don_offl
  • IllegalHelios
    Replied to SkiIIzrock

    Probably because a lot of the plot is copy and pasted from other novels.

    Hitman with a Badass System
    Action ¡ don_offl
  • IllegalHelios

    Author how much of this story is a copy and paste of Chaotic Sword God? I've already read that novel and you've messed up by leaving the power levels in your copy and paste of the dragon isle arch, which in itself is a direct copy of Chaotic Sword God. Up to the point you directly called the zombie things Saint Rulers which is a power level in that novel and not this novel, I thought you were just inspired by that novel to write this arch. But it's clearly a copy and paste.... This chapter is a paid chapter yet you have used someone elses work and claimed it as your own... While I'm at it, the whole 8 great family thing is also a copy from Chaotic Sword God, so is the woman hes travelling the dragon isle with. Basically everything from Michael searching for "The Doctor" is a copy and paste of Chaotic Sword God. Honestly I was loving this novel up to this point and I'm disappointed. I'm going to keep reading for now but if you're just copy and pasting other novels then I'm going to have to drop it and come back to update this review.

    Hitman with a Badass System
    Action ¡ don_offl
  • IllegalHelios

    dumb asf. why is she sure her own brother that was obsessed with her all of a sudden ditches her and forgot about her? to be fair from the way this story is being written it does seem that way as he hasn't even mentioned his sister since leaving the ship. but even so, they only have eachother and they clearly both love eachother from what we saw before the invasion. a lot of this story doesnt make sense and it's not the plot, it's the characters

    The escape pod had a large hole in it so Cherry patched it up with her transformed arm. Before she knew it, the pod was already out of the ship and on its way to Earth. "I'm coming home, Ace. I'm coming." She said while tears of joy and agony rolled down her face. "You'll pay for leaving me behind."
    Fantasy ¡ joshua_jt3
  • IllegalHelios

    lad you cant have pantheon and aatroxs names blended together. My boy Aatrox would have destroy a planet if he heard of this. Guy is literally the ender of worlds and to have a lousy mantheons first name.... sad times

    [Name] = [Atreus Raven Darkin]
    The King Of All Pussy
    Fantasy ¡ 7nine
  • IllegalHelios

    How did this lobotomy patient just say a coherent sentence? I get it's based in 2013 so the lobotomy must have happened during Trumps presidency then I guess.

    "What if we share the cost with our NATO allies?" asked Joe Biden, The vice president.
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi ¡ Agent_047
  • IllegalHelios

    that is painful to read

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi ¡ Agent_047
  • IllegalHelios

    arnt zenith and vertex the same thing? I suppose not as you could have a database written in a different language and one for the ais functions.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi ¡ Agent_047
  • IllegalHelios

    this is by far the superior option. this option can manage all of the others and his current tasks autonomously. it can even contact and set up meetings with his "victims". it can even attack his ex professor and anyone else involved for him. although it's not a true artificial intelligence, a general one still has it's own autonomy. sadly no Jarvis :(

    Artificial General Intelligence
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi ¡ Agent_047
  • IllegalHelios

    lad paid 500 in rent and made 4k a month. Makes you wonder how people waste so much money. I make just under that a month and I live the same as I did when I was skint. The only difference is I no longer eat frozen foods. People live too much in the NOW and dont look towards a happy future with no worries and lots of money😂

    "Once I make it big, I will make sure to hire the best doctors to heal me back up… even if those bastards paid for the hospital fees, they only made sure that I was able to walk out of the hospital. I know for a fact that with the advancement in the medical field, this sort of damage to the body is easily manageable. But I have only myself to rely on. The only good thing that came out of that accident is the chance I was given to play the game. This must be fate. And I will make sure not to waste it."
    Rise of The Undead Legion
    Games ¡ Biako
  • IllegalHelios

    universities are a place you go to get a better qualification. If you dont need qualifications then theres no point. The education system is just a system to grow good tax paying slaves, why else would there be no financial education and teachers are banned from talking about it.

    "If I ever manage to make it big, I will make sure to attend college, at least then I would have some sort of self-accomplishment. Money can't make a man. Only their mind could."
    Rise of The Undead Legion
    Games ¡ Biako