

2021-12-29 JoinedGlobal

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  • Autumnkp
    Replied to mini_koi

    I get that too, although not saying ‘I love you’ outright is a little bit of a cultural thing and based off the way you were raised, so if this is the closest we can get to that I’ll take it

    With considerable effort, she managed to reply, "That truly… means a lot to me."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Autumnkp

    Welp, it’ll be a long suspenseful weekend of waiting at least they gave us the punchline of the problem

    Ch 413 Chapter 174
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Autumnkp

    Calto is going to put the fear of God in Ruth if he wasn’t afraid of him already before

    Calto stormed over to Ruth, his face contorting with anger, and pinched his ear. Ruth cried out in pain. Maxi, having grown used to the sight, turned away from them and ran to Anette and Sidina.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Autumnkp

    The pope is holding that special info like a carrot on a fish hook over a rabbit den or in this case the mage tower

    "That would have been great, but no. They also demanded a generous donation," Alec grumbled as he pointed to the wagons filling the roadside. "Who do you think paid for all that food? It wouldn't be a stretch to say the Mage Tower is funding this campaign."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Autumnkp
    Replied to Amy_Anderson_1314

    which chapter is the pic from? It makes me wanna go back and read it

    Agnes picked up a torch from a container by the entrance of the guest house. Lighting it with magic, she began descending the dark staircase. "I'm certain the pope personally asked Riftan for assistance. Had His Holiness tried to accomplish this with his Temple Knights, the opposition would have surely gotten in the way. So, he had Riftan act instead."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Autumnkp

    Poor Kuhael, he’s getting every threat and complaint handed to him. He thought the worst was over when the meeting ended but Riftan wasn’t finished with him, Riftan didn’t get his say during the meeting 😂

    "I left him with Sir Kuahel. He seemed to have something to discuss with him in private."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Autumnkp

    Poor Kuhael is getting treated like a customer service representative for complaints

    "Not so much. It was more an endless stream of incoherent arguments." The princess wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Richard Breston tried to vent his anger by lambasting Sir Kuahel and blaming the church for the whole situation. The representatives of Balto's Southern Confederacy and Dristan's princess also had things to say. Sir Kuahel, of course, did not bat an eye. It was a muddled mess, I tell you. I can only admire Riftan for bringing order to the meeting."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Autumnkp

    Do I hear blame shifting?

    "I-I had no choice! S-Sir Kuahel asked me to locate the necromancer. Eliminating it would be the fastest way to stop the dullahans from coming back to life."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Autumnkp
    "W-Wouldn't that be Ruth Serbel? He is above me in rank among the mages after—"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Autumnkp

    In all honesty, I wouldn’t be surprised if Gabel was annoyed when he heard that Maxi had gone to the Pamela Plateau and Riftan after her. In his right he may think Riftan should’ve gone after considering how dangerous the place is but then that would leave him stuck at home looking after the estate to his displeasure

    After furtively studying his expression, Maxi tried to change the subject. "Do you know where Riftan is? I haven't seen him since I entered the city."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Autumnkp

    Omg are they really meeting like this for the first time in three years, wow🤯?!? Now that I think about it better here than on the battlefield

    "Not as busy as your ladyship," Gabel replied with a crooked smile. "All I've done for the past three years is manage the mine and wrangle merchants or nobles. These days, I get confused as to whether I'm a knight or an administrator."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Autumnkp
    Replied to Lizzie48

    Yeah, that’s like the second time, the section could really use a dinkus

    Maxi tried to remain calm despite the hurtling rocks. She desperately tried to keep up with Kuahel, who was forging ahead. The undead monsters prowling the city had rushed to defend the wall from the coalition's assault, allowing her and Kuahel to slip through the streets unnoticed. However, it also meant the rampart was swarming enemies.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Autumnkp

    No one deserves this not even Drusilla, but she wouldn’t have found herself here if it hadn’t been for her greed and jealousy, I definitely feel bad for her but at the same time she set this trap for Daphne and she fell in instead, she would probably kept plotting against her sister for the worst things possible

    So much for being a princess. Nothing good had resulted from it.
    Stolen by the Rebel King
    Fantasy · saltedpepper
  • Autumnkp

    It’s what Drusilla and her mother should’ve done after she lost of her image of ‘purity’

    Just as Daphne suspected, Zephyr tracked Nereus's blood to Alistair's new estate. Her oldest brother had moved out of the palace to a more secluded location, citing his need for peace and quiet during recovery. 
    Stolen by the Rebel King
    Fantasy · saltedpepper
  • Autumnkp

    I think the smartest thing they should and only could do is plead with the king to let them live like their dead in a mansion far away from the rest of society, knowing him he’ll probably pitty them and agree

    "Drusilla, you must bear the heir of a king!" Lady Josephine said. "You must bear a child for King Atticus. That is the only way we can remain in this palace!"
    Stolen by the Rebel King
    Fantasy · saltedpepper
  • Autumnkp

    The food probably had laxatives in it and the drink probably is rophyed

    Ch 288 Downgrade
    Stolen by the Rebel King
    Fantasy · saltedpepper
  • Autumnkp

    That’s a really powerful couple right their, with multiple affinities their children will be legendary

    "Your guess is as good as mine," Daphne said with a sheepish look. "I was actually hoping you would have an idea since you're the only person I know with two magical affinities at the same time."
    Stolen by the Rebel King
    Fantasy · saltedpepper
  • Autumnkp

    I can’t believe Atticus is been after this guy looking for leads for the longest time and Yet Silas is able to locate Attonson in a week, either he’s street smart or got off lucky cause the guy’s in town

    "Lord Attonson, thank you for accepting our invitation," Silas said politely into the empty space. He heard a sharp snap of fingers and the room was suddenly doused in bright light as all the candles lit up at the same time. 
    Stolen by the Rebel King
    Fantasy · saltedpepper
  • Autumnkp

    The pot calling the kettle black

    "You foul beast!" Zephyr screamed, and he wasn't referring to the dragon. What did Daphne see in this man?! 
    Stolen by the Rebel King
    Fantasy · saltedpepper
  • Autumnkp

    I’m gonna bet when they do slip up, either Daphne would’ve just gotten distracted and forgot to take it and/or Atticus was impatient and told her to take it later or after

    "It's not just an aphrodisiac," Sirona said, her tone light and merry. "The mixture of papaya seeds to this group of herbs would make it a very effective birth control. Take one before you two have your fun and it would be enough. Its effect will last for about a day."
    Stolen by the Rebel King
    Fantasy · saltedpepper