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  • Grayfian_Forever

    Please continue the story, I really want to see how you integrate the MC and his Army into the Marvel Universe. Its a really interesting read.

    Titanfall in Marvel
    Movies · The_Puffer
  • Grayfian_Forever

    The last sounded like a spicy news report.

    Quinn also glanced at Quirinus Quirrell. He was wearing a turban and fidgeted in his chair. Quinn looked at the turban and could imagine Voldemort's face on the back of Quirrell's head. The canon was afoot, and Quinn was here at ground zero.
    HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]
    Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader
  • Grayfian_Forever

    the hyphenated bastards line caught me off guard

    'I knew these hyphenated bastards were going to make problems for me, but this is ridiculous.' Quinn came to a sudden stop as he found the book he was looking for.
    HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]
    Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader
  • Grayfian_Forever

    I see... The Art Of War, if I am not mistaken.

    Show your strengths as weaknesses, your weaknesses as strengths. And above all else, make sure that your plan is nothing he would expect.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • Grayfian_Forever

    Where is that quote from?

    "It is an undeniable quality of man, that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable" The words resounding within my mind were spoken by a deep, elderly voice. Their familiarity brought some much-needed warmth to my speeding heart, cold pragmatism could be oddly comforting.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • Grayfian_Forever

    i don't think I can tell the difference between a 7 year old and a 9 year old.

    For Tatsuya powers were not the only thing that grew at an enormous rate, his body too was maturing very fast and even though he was between six to seven years old his outer appearance was like a child of around nine or ten years old and he was on the way where people would start to call him handsome rather than cute.
    Life in DXD
    Anime & Comics · overloaded_maxima
  • Grayfian_Forever

    Comparing the MC to Saitama won't really work, coz Saitama is the epitome of simplicity, he doesn't use magical means or some otherworldly energy to win a fight, he simply performs basic moves to a extreme, unlike the MC who uses mastery over multiple domains to attain strength

    He also went to the astral plane every night and polished his moves and practiced his jutsus. Now he have no fear of any creature in this universe as with his Six path power he could easily annihilate any super class being not to mention Tenseigan with which splitting the even Earth in two parts is no big deal for him. Even if beings like Ophis or Great red came after him he could simply use Kamui and go into his dimension. Just a few years more with his growth rate he would become a freaking SAITAMA with some extra added benefits.
    Life in DXD
    Anime & Comics · overloaded_maxima
  • Grayfian_Forever

    I doubt teasing anyone with something they think they can never have, is something you should do. ever. period.

    Ah, I think she's lost in her own thoughts. Perhaps it was wrong to tease her like this, even if I wasn't sincere in my thoughts. "Meridia, thoughts for later." I pulled on her gently, snapping her from her thoughts.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Grayfian_Forever

    ohh, is the General of the northern Armies from 'The Gladiator'? "My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North General of the Felix Legion, Loyal servant to the true emperor Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered Son Husband to a murdered wife And I will have my vengeance, In this life or the next."

    That earned a bewildered look from Thorum, enough that I pushed him back slightly, but he regained his wits and stopped me from moving any further. "Behold, Sir Wigglesbottom Fluffytail Octavius Benedict III, Crown Prince of Emerald Kingdom. Duke of Carrot Island, General of the Northern Armies."
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Grayfian_Forever

    Anya Peanuts ga Suki!

    Syr pretended to ignore his comment while she guided them to a table, but the blush on her face betrayed her. She called Anya over to help her with the table, as she was free and there weren't many customers in place. Through the whole duration of the meal, Ad was absent-minded. He had even forgotten to flirt with Anya.
    Rebirth in DanMachi
    Anime & Comics · Ice_Wielding_Ronin
  • Grayfian_Forever

    did you mean kilometers? coz a dimensional plane of 50 meters is hella small, you can stand on one end and see the other end quite easily

    Continuing the tour, I roughly calculated that at this point Asora was around 50 meters in diameter.
    I am in Kuroinu?
    Anime & Comics · Noih0
  • Grayfian_Forever

    the story has been good, but this was just.... well, massively disappointing, if this is wish fullfilment, then at least don't make the MC afraid of political backlash

    Itsuki liked nezuko, he wasn't comfortable watching this go on.
    Demon Slayer: One With Ice (Remake)
    Anime & Comics · EternalKings
  • Grayfian_Forever

    Most of these bitches in the comments crying about how humans only become legendary coz of weapons, then allow me to ask you, who cares if its coz of weapons? Do you people really think its easy to stand in front of a god, evil dragon etc, with the intention to kill? Do you think that simply by having a weapon you can kill a god? pffftt, of course not, they had train their lives away to be able to reach a level where they can slay gods, and for the point of using weapons for superiority, ever since the stone age, we have used tools to make up for our rather fragile bodies. Other races may have inately stronger bodies and whatnot, but always remember, not a single race has the tenacity and cruelness of Humans, else why was it that a single war put the biblical faction in a state close tp extinction, while humans stayed in the billions? Why hide the truth of the supernatural from the seemingly weak humans? Imagine a billions of exorcists, and out of the billion, if even 10,000 are Vasco Strada grade? Let me repeat it again, NO ONE is stronger than Humans.

    [ To those who may not know. All this what I mentioned in the above paragraph, is there in the canon. No made-up stuff, so in reality the humans were really strong. ]
    Adam in DxD.
    Anime & Comics · AshGod7
  • Grayfian_Forever


    I took my usual path home. "Well well if it isn't that shitty pretty boy devil!" Says Freed as he walked out with his Excalibur in. I have no interest in humoring him so I simply used [Quick Silver] and ripped his heart out before setting his body a blaze with the phoenix sword. I think I'll call Hell Blaze Phoenix as it uses hell flames. (AN/The house of phenex uses hell flames.)
    Anime & Comics · ShaggyJoestar69
  • Grayfian_Forever

    It probably wont be "National" as devils don't have Nations, they consider the entire Underworld as their own, quite like humans calling the entire earth their own, so I think it could be changed to something like "The Royal Satanic Army" or something considering they have a Aristocratic Society with houses like Dukes, Kings and Great Kings

    He's rarely ever around, but not because he doesn't love his family. No, it's because of his job. He is a commander in the Devil National Army, which is DNA for short.
    Highschool DxD: Satan of Wrath (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • Grayfian_Forever

    I am sure the Space race hadn't started 500 years ago

    I then walked over to Treyni and waved my hand in front of her face." Hello, Earth to Treyni." I mused.
    Highschool DxD: Satan of Wrath (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • Grayfian_Forever

    180cm/2.5=72 in, 72in/12= 6ft

    Angelica's current height is 180 cm (5 feet 9 inches) and she's only thirteen years old.
    Highschool DxD: Satan of Wrath (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • Grayfian_Forever

    couldn't find Gai in this pose.

    (image here)
    Maito Gai's DxD
    Anime & Comics · Grayfian_Forever
  • Grayfian_Forever

    My favorite character after Madara in Naruto. Maito Gai! I hope you all enjoy the Read. I know I am giving myself 5 stars but that is because I am having fun writing this.

    Maito Gai's DxD
    Anime & Comics · Grayfian_Forever