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Pleeaaassseee let this story have a protagonist who changes things. It seems well written, I would hate to read a well written re-hash of canon.
Yeah I get that. But every other breakthrough, except right after an evolution, they complete their limit breaking. Several times they evolve then immediately breakthrough even though the limit break is not at SSS.
Still trying to figure out how being THIS arrogant actually helps her. Unless she fully intends to leave the village instead of just take it over.
Lollll he shows how many new royals nobody was aware he had now all at once?? I can’t wait to see everybody’s reaction once that gets out.
Yes why play DnD with dice when you have god mode on your own tiny planet. I love this idea
I love how close all of the friend group still is. “Yeah I’m on the other side of the continent, oh you’re about to do your last contest? I’m on my way!”
Really look forward to everybody’s reactions after his paper and them seeing that all of his pokemon got SIGNIFICANT upgrades during this year. Oak’s exasperation must be awesome.
I’m sure it was explained long, long ago, but why don’t they limit break after evolving before breaking through? Wouldn’t that still help push their potential forward?
lol it’s sad he was considering rushing the mareep purchases. I mean he will live for thousands of years, some things can be put on a long term goal list.
Surprised he hasn’t started adding dark training to his schedule along with the ground. After all, more protection from psychics so he can choose to go sneaky sneaky would be nice.