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It would be interesting if that item to bring someone to the fantasy realm was used to bring Menchi, after all she is powerful and skilled enough to help them, plus if she cooked using skills she would probably make great healing items.
Capítulo legal! Só me pergunto quando voltaremos a ver como a scp está lidando com o stream.
Okay, it seems like the protagonist doesn't even have 2 brain cells. Let's see how the story develops.
Because it's Ultron in Vision's body wearing armor that looks like Ultron. Still shouldn't be breathing, but I think Ultron just decided he wanted to breathe since he was kind of obsessed with humans and stuff.
It should be 0/2 and 0/8. 2/2 and 8/8 means it is already filled.
Technically, monarchs and rulers should actually destroy planets, but only those without mana and that's why rulers are opening portals on the planet, because the most efficient method of filling the planet with mana is through the blood of creatures that have mana. They even ramp things up as the final battle approaches, all to ensure the planet can withstand the confrontation. In this case, I just think that the battle should be more destructive because their power is really immense and at no point does it seem like the planet has a significant amount of mana, even if it is at certain points, because it should have the effects of such a high concentration of mana, something like "I can't bear to stay here because there's a lot of mana", at least as far as I remember.
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Both stories sound interesting and I would like to see them. Mainly how the speed force would work in a universe it doesn't belong to.
Seeing senjumaru's bankai control destiny only made me more curious to see how absurd the other members of the zero division's bankai would be. A shame that their purpose was not to win, but to guide things in the direction intended by the ichibei.
Faz um tempo que eu não vejo um "parece a cara de quem fez".