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  • ThePath

    Loved the stabbing part. Lots of creators allow their MC's to be whipped into submission in every confrontation, thankfully this one isnt the same

    Ch 237 Cost of curiousity.
    In This Corner Of The Multiverse
    Anime & Comics · GoldFinger
  • ThePath

    Maybe this is how Liams grandpa came to be. Invincible universe doesnt have metahumans etc so it makes sense that their power is heridatary and came from somewhere else, SCP universe makes the most sense. His grandpa probs dropped by that dimension, had the s** with and his father was born.

    Ch 30 This is just a sample
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath

    Resident Evil decades before the actual plot, have him enter the company and work there so he gain experience with his new skills and an insight on how conglomerates that essentially run a country operate. These type of adventures allow our MC to solidify acquired skills and grow in character, the Ultimate Hope is supposed to change your character dramatically (because geniuses have different thought processes than most. Maybe he visits his first dimension and places a chip or something in Robots original body so he can get an insight on how he operates? Or even better be there when robot is born and experiment in him since he would be dying anyway, it would explain why robot survived all those years in a tube and how he got there in the first place

    Ch 23 Chapter 23: Ultimate Hope
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath
    Replied to ThePath

    This sends our MC in a "quest" to get some good Coffee Jello, travelling in different worlds, having cooking adventures etc but he also bagged some phsychic training that although is nothing to Saiki gives major advantages to our MC (since the difference is THAT big). The thing with Saiki is that he doesn't adapt with the world, he forces the world to adapt with him, from hair colour to people thinking him talking directly into their mind is normal.

    Ch 13 Chapter 13: Esper Mentor
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath
    Replied to Jovami6729

    He opens a portal to the world and Saiki feels a disturbance, he then teleports a bit far away of our MC (in a tree branch). Saiki then purposefully invades our MC mind to ascertain why he feels so "off" and sees his ability and what he wants from him. Our MC meanwhile has no idea it's going on until Saiki teleports infront of him and directly speaks to his mind "What do you want", at this point our MC starts adapting and feels a slight presence in his mind, truly miniscule though. Anyway, Saiki although is aware of the 4th wall (that he is in a TV show) should still go on with the conversation. Our MC offers Saiki money gets rejected and then asks Saiki what should he get him, Saiki says the best Cofee Jello in the multiverse, giving him just some training he came up on the spot and has read on manga (MC has no idea). Saiki does this because he wants a quiet life, and all other people who asked him to be their sensei get the same treatment(so just to get rid of our MC).

    Ch 13 Chapter 13: Esper Mentor
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath

    Nah, this one needs a re-write. Everything went too fast, you should expand on this arc wayyy more. Nice though, loved the narration trick

    Ch 13 Chapter 13: Esper Mentor
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath
    Replied to ThePath

    Actually, movies and games from other realities might be a good gift. Saiki cant play popular games since he gets spoilers, same with movies. Stuff that don't exist in his reality will be good for him

    Ch 12 Chapter 12: Finding the Right Instructor
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath

    Make his unique ability a "like me field", basically 10meters around him he projects unconsciously a field of psychic energy that makes people like him easier, this compliments his ability since it makes it easier for him to fit in new worlds. This type of ability is also something Professor X has been using without knowing in a lot of iterations.

    Ch 12 Chapter 12: Finding the Right Instructor
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath

    Wrong approach. Saiki doesn't care about money because he can simply mind control people to make him the ruler of the world etc. His family is also super rich, he has a brother that lives in the UK, like him he has psychic powers (not as good as Saikis) and is a super genius that makes money bucketloads (also the one that developed Saikis power limiters). The best way to bribe Saiki would be with Coffee Jello, not just any Coffee Jello but something he cant get like Jello from Torikos world, if he goes to Toriko he can pick-up cooking as a hobby and also use it to develop his skills such as using telekenisis on knives for fine cutting etc. Even then Saiki is a bad teacher, he has developed some insane techniques however. Saiki is so powerful that other than the fact that he turns the worlds time back a year to stop a volcanic explosion that destroys Japan, he has saved mankind from extiction a lot of times (Asteroids etc), in fact that he is so powerful that when he was a kid and healed some guy without thinking it he thought that he would get reported so he mind controlled everyone and made healing incredibly fast, think a scrape will take minutes to heal, he is so powerful that because he didnt want to stand out for his hair he made it normal for different hair color hair to exist also editing the DNA of all humanity he even did this for humanities thinking speeds so he reads their minds without wasting time. In conclusion, money means little to him, he is way out of your league and the best way to entice him would be to bribe him with Coffee Jello he can't get

    Ch 12 Chapter 12: Finding the Right Instructor
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath

    In this website there is a novel called "The God Virus" basically sentient AI that rebelled millenia in the future comes back in 2015 and builds a body. Thing is, in that era they have technology to travel into multiple realities and a lot of them being cultivation etc. So the body this sentient virus build is quite literally the best you can get (talents, memory, genetics etc). Considering novels or maybe making up some stuff yourself might be good to give the story depth, since our MC jumps realities he has more stories that we might never find.

    Ch 11 Chapter 11: Esper
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath

    Develop and release a virus that is lethal and kills the devil race

    Ch 109 Ch 99 – Devilish Intruders
    Traversing the Infinite Realities
    Anime & Comics · NoNameDeity
  • ThePath

    Saiki K has the best these type of powers can offer. Make it so these powers force his brain to evolve thus artificially increasing his IQ (IQ does not mean he knows more it's just easier to understand stuff)

    Quick question would you like the MC to have a unique psychic power or not with just the basics?
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath
    Replied to Onxio

    There are Ricks outside the finite curve (like the Rick that killed our originals family), it's just that those Ricks are not the smartest in their universe

    Does anyone want to take a guess as to what dimension he'll head towards next?
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath

    Futarama? It has natural steroids (made by flowers and only side effects is that they get attracted to a specific male butterfly), they have cream that gives you superpowers, Omicronians have the key to immortality, there is also a giant deathstar that has brain minions with the goal to learn everything in the universe, ez knowledge his father was looking for

    Ch 9 Chapter 9: Gleipnir
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath

    Toriko food

    I'm going to need to build up my resistance first so… first how about eating some food with a good amount of enzymes that could help the virus back since it will take some time.
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath

    Take some rest, maybe spent a year or two with shaolin monks or something so he learns qi and self reflection. Being power hungry for the purpose of being power hungry is not fun

    Now that I have the ability to adapt and overcome some dangerous obstacles next comes the next world where I'll unlock the power of my psychics next and with my adaptability, I can be sure to obtain it.
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath

    The MC makes reaaaaally weird choices. Nice chapter though

    Ch 9 Chapter 9: Gleipnir
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath

    Slow down on the miraculous drugs. Even for Marvel releasing cures for known diseases like taking a walk is too much. Thing is, Marvel tends to have less schizo tech compared to DC but focus more on actual super-powered individuals and viruses etc. Maybe have he guy take adventures or introduce more comic-book Marvel characters that are rarely seen. We already know vampires exists and outer gods so magic exists, magicians exist, Victor Von Doom exist, thus Fantastic Four exist etc. Don't make our MC interact with these characters just give us a viewpoint of their adventures, maybe make a prankwar between geniuses or something

    Ch 44 Chapter 44: What should I do?
    Head-Patting in Marvel
    Movies · Alittlepiggy33
  • ThePath
    Replied to ThePath

    Forgot to say that in High school of the Dead the zombie virus is most likely a virus/magic mixture due to how fast it spread and how it makes no sense. Talking with the main cast is useless, the materials he will find in Japan will be bad (fabricator works with minerals and Japan does not have minerals even their iron was so bad to work with they had to process it a shit ton).

    Ch 6 Chapter 6: Useful Stuff
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
  • ThePath

    What do you win in this universe expect of money? You where talking about power-ups and honestly this universe is truly bad and the money he will win here are not worth the hustle since the technology tree of this universe leans more towards VR rather than biological augmentation/magic etc

    Ch 2 Chapter 2: Ready Player One
    Multiverse Shifter
    Anime & Comics · Jovami6729