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  • slayer_drag

    Thank you for the chapter AUTHOR-SAN🥰🥰🥰

    Ch 4 Chapter Four: The Princess And Insults
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag

    I'm guessing it belongs to the HARPEY😊😊😊

    "Good night, Elisia," Gorose said quietly. Then, he left the shack, Elisia's new home, and headed back toward the village.
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag

    I don't think all the blames should fall under ELISIA......since KING is also there

    With nothing but the light of a nearly full moon shining down on them, Gorose spoke. "This woman has wronged us in many ways," he began. "She has hurt us, made us live in the slums, and sometimes due to her actions, lives have been lost. I understand your frustration, your anger… your hatred.
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag

    that was anything but LITTLE MISTAKE

    "I knew I was right about all of you! You do nothing but say barbaric things, attack without cause like wild beasts and constantly cause pain! I don't need to put up with this! I don't need to suffer through all of this torment for one little mistake!"
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag

    😂😂😂 for some reason I'm finding this funny

    "Then here's hoping this gets you sick!" another person yelled. From somewhere in the crowd, a small brown bowl flew through the air. Sticking up his scepter, Gorose swatted it away, but unfortunately, he could do little about the contents. The white, porridge-like substance shot out from its container, expanding in all directions before at least some of it landed on Elisia. Seeing that, a few in the crowd let out cheers, but were silenced by a strong look from Gorose.
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag


    "Is he incompetent?" Gorose asked. "Or do you simply not like him because he flipped you over?"
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag

    I have a feeling....they are going to become BFFS later on😂😂😂😂

    "I'm not a dog, you bitch!" Hanen shouted back as she walked away from him. Most demi-humans didn't take kindly to being referred to as their base species (i.e. dog for dogman, bull for bullman) Monster people were a little different, but that was mostly because they looked a lot more like their base species, so it didn't bother them as much.
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag

    This tone of dialogues reminds me of CHIYO❤️❤️❤️

    She wanted to give all of this a little more thought, but she was prevented from doing so as she was verbally assaulted once more. "Heyyy, princess! Havin' fun here?" a man asked mockingly. "Hope ya enjoy the hospitality, princess."
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag

    humm.....why do I feel like there is whole lot of secret about this village....We will be discovering later on

    For a moment, Hanen looked furious and ready to snap at the former princess. He gnashed his teeth and snarled, but after a few seconds, that feeling seemed to fade. "Y'know what?" he finally said. "I think I'm finally starting to see what the elder does about you."
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag

    isn't that the perfectly description of some princess I know?????🤔🤔🤔

    "How dare you," Elisia said darkly. "All of you are so ridiculous here, acting like your lives actually matter or that there's something of importance here. Allow me to correct your absurd world-view. You are nothing. These people are worthless. And this village? It's a pathetic attempt to create some sort of 'community' where you can all belong, but you belong nowhere except under the feet of others. All you are is garbage cast aside by the rest of us, forced to live on the desolate outskirts so you can suffer and die out of sight and out of mind."
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag

    Nice job 🦊....Give this idiot some more reality check please

    With a small huff, the woman walked away, leaving Elisia shell-shocked. Never before had anyone talked back to her like that, let alone a monster person. "What… just happened?" she uttered aloud.
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag


    Striding away from him, Elisia readied herself to approach the first person she saw. "You there," she said loudly, drawing the attention of a woman who seemed to be a kind of fox woman. "Don't you find this life rather boring?" Elisia said. "Why don't you come with me? I promise I'll give you everything you desire."
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag


    Elisia curled over. Quickly falling back into her old habits had just caused her own suffering. Next to her, Hanen laughed loudly. "Oh wow, that's hilarious! I can't believe you just did it to yourself like that! And you call us stupid! Ahahahaha!"
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag


    "Guys, come on, we shouldn't taunt the princess so much," the girl said, showing fake sincerity while causing plenty of harm herself.
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag


    "The world is harsh, Elisia. Your life is no longer in the palace, but here. While many may not agree with it, I now consider you a resident of this village as well. Because of that, I hold you to the same standards as the others. I want you to live a better life than the one you are now. Unfortunately, in order for you to do that, you will have to experience the hardships before you, and I cannot stop them from happening. However, I will do my best to aid you if you truly need it, or give you my advice, for what it's worth."
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag

    Finally ELISIA is getting some reality check

    "As I told Noka," Gorose said. "I was not defending you, but rather expecting more out of my people. Throwing rocks and spewing hate will not lead to a better life. That is why I stepped in. To put it another way, if they had all just shouted insults at you, I would've found no need to act.
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag


    "Why do you look so alarmed?" Gorose asked, sounding confident. "Do you really believe you're hiding your true intentions with that smirk on your face?"
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag

    I'm hoping it's the WIFEY escorting her

    The thought of escape crossed Elisia's mind. Could she escape? To answer that question, Gorose went on. "So, for the time being, we have decided to allow you to wander within the village until the cell is fixed. This should only take a day or two, but during that time, you will be escorted at all hours. For sleep, you will stay in my house."
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag

    I guess ELISIA won't be having that spell forever

    Luckily, the pain was usually brief, as it was meant to be a reminder more than a constant punishment. However, with how customizable the branding spell was, it was possible to make those "reminders" much worse. For instance, the one determining the conditions could make it so each time a condition is broken, the intensity of the pain increases. Similarly, the length of time the pain occurred could be set as well. Rather than just a few seconds like Elisia's, it could be minutes, or even hours. The only downside for the one in control was that if the time was set for too long, the spell would burn out completely and cause the release of the one branded.
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • slayer_drag

    I guess your WIFEY will fight for you

    Although, when Elisia thought about force, she immediately recalled the display the mystery woman had put on. "She was… quite strong," Elisia admitted. Even with her magic, she had her doubts that she'd be able to beat the woman in a fight. Where the former princess had completely failed, the woman had swooped in and taken care of all three assailants in a matter of seconds. "Perhaps if I had put more effort into my physical education classes, I could've done the same…" Elisia grumbled. Most of her studying time had gone into magic, and when those who could teach her to use martial arts or weapons insisted she try harder, she'd always respond with the following: "I'm only even learning magic because it seemed fun. What use would I have for something as boring as fighting with my fists, especially when someone else will always fight for me?"
    When Your Feathers Flutter Down to Me
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr