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Beautifully drawn with amazing, storylines I love that each character has their own relatable traits and personalities, as the story goes on, they seem to come out more and more. So I do hope that we get to see more to this story there are so many storylines that I don’t feel like are over or have finished yet so I can’t wait to see where they lead too, I hope that we get to continue reading along and joining them on their journey and that you will keep writing I can’t wait to see what you come out with next. I will definitely be keeping an eye out just in case. 🩷
Stumbled across this book unintentionally but so glad that I did was such a brilliant read was truly an amazing book and would definitely recommend. I was sad for the book to end and I’m hoping that will get to see more into the kids stories one day and see how they age, whether they’ll all stay friends like the generation before them and how our story develops and what becomes of Haven Tavern whether the young son manages to take over and go on his journey, learning how to cook which was hinted at that he wanted to learn in the last chapter . Fingers crossed for many updates or a sequel🤞🏼 please don’t let the story end!!! at least not yet there’s still so much more we need to know to the offer thank you for writing such an amazing comic 💗
Really enjoyed this book it has a great storyline and has depth and joy behind it. Sad to see it end hope that they do a follow up💗💗☺️
Very good book was a great read and the ending was very well written 💗
such a good read and the ending was so good this story flowed so naturally sad there’s not more would’ve loved a part two 💗
Amazing quality really enjoyed reading sad the book is over still wishing There was more! 😊
Sad that this comic had to come to an end I’ve really enjoyed reading this book each night with my cuppa teas! I’m hopeful that there will be a sequel or at least updates along the story line 🤞🏼💕
Okay Thankyou I’ll have a look😊
I loved this book so much but honestly wasn’t ready for the ending I feel like there should be more to it someone tell me that there’s a part two???☹️