

2021-11-09 JoinedGlobal

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  • National_Bullshit
    National_Bullshit9 days ago
    Replied to sliver_203

    You do you I say use OG author as a framework and change/create plot points as necessary

  • National_Bullshit
    National_Bullshit2 months ago
    Replied to NudeNudes

    Sorry but I think you have the wrong number? Your ex should be two stories down.

  • National_Bullshit
    National_Bullshit3 months ago
    Replied to SILVER2011

    I don’t believe there’s a mention of Solomon in the SCP wiki so this is most likely fanfic only. From what I understand Solomon was a vary powerful reality bender connected to the SCP Foundation before being killed for some reason. Note: the foundation isn’t one to kill needlessly so Solomon was likely hostile before his death and was designated to be to dangerous to be left alive similar to SCP: 096

  • National_Bullshit
    National_Bullshit3 months ago
    Replied to EclipseKing

    The systems name, apparently the author is giving it an in universe reason for existing

  • National_Bullshit
    National_Bullshit5 months ago
    Replied to Pasindu_Weerakkody

    Not sure there taking a break at the moment so it’s probably going to be a bit

  • National_Bullshit
    National_Bullshit5 months ago
    Replied to National_Bullshit

    Even if you don’t like more light hearted stories like this I’d still recommend reading this one sense while it depends on the fandom, overall story’s like this are very rare sense you lessen the familiarity of the world (which is why this type of story is more common in fiction like Naruto sense they still got the great ninja wars as a focal point) this generally means you can take the story into multiple directions you otherwise couldn’t while also exploring the world in a unique way. P.S. Authors got balls and I’m looking forward to how this story develops

  • National_Bullshit
    National_Bullshit5 months ago
    Replied to King_of_Ur_Mom

    Seems to have worked themselves out so a break is understandable so I’d say check periodically for when they come back

  • National_Bullshit
    National_Bullshit6 months ago
    Replied to National_Bullshit

    When I say collar I’m talking about the shirt collar if you’re wondering think a cross between blues outfit and the white team rocket executive uniform

  • National_Bullshit
    National_Bullshit6 months ago
    Replied to Facez_

    The drawing itself is 10/10 but I can’t help but feel it doesn’t fit in Pokémon (to anime boy) while it does fit the author’s description of the mc ‘black hair, red eyes and white clothes’ it doesn’t really have any distinctive features that most gym leaders and above have. I’d say add a little more color to the clothes keep white as the main color but add some black and light blue as supporting colors ((just look at Cynthia mainly black with bit of silver and yellow) the black to help show there pseudo twin dynamic while the blue is a nod to his favorite Pokémon being shiny umbreon) I’d say tighten up the clothes and add a black collar to make his red eyes more prominent, light blue shoes and maybe a bracelet on one wrist and a black belt he keeps his poke balls on

  • National_Bullshit
    National_Bullshit6 months ago

    Interesting premise I don’t think I’ve seen a Pokémon story where most of the notable characters are young and not in the positions we remember them at, story’s written well and has good pacing info dumps are bite sized and are only used to explain things that have happened or clarify to avoid confusion while helping flesh out the world, character design is good to you can get a pretty going visual of previous gym leaders