


Aspiring writer who hasn't been writing for long. I also write on Tapas

2021-11-04 JoinedGlobal



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  • Kaz_Sensei
    Kaz_Sensei2 years ago

    ...Don't look at this wanting an explanation. I'm the author! Do you expect me to give myself anything lower!? But by all means, critique as you wish! I hope you enjoy King of Rankers!!

  • Kaz_Sensei
    Kaz_Sensei2 years ago

    So, I have only read a single chapter but I can say your story definitely has promise! I do have some points however that I would like to dish out. Please do not take this an attack, I merely want to help you. Firstly, your beginning is interesting, however I feel like your scenes lack impact. I don't mean their concept lack impact, but the delivery more so. You more or less say rather than show. I think your scenes could do better with more development and building of the surroundings. Describing the things like the blood, potentially an insight to the protagonists feelings before its revealed he has been shot, something like that would help. Finally I'd like to comment on your paragraph spacing when it comes to like the system comments. If you spaced them more out I think it'd look better and feel more like a menu or announcement screen that had popped up, unless you were going for something totally different. Anyways keep up the good work and keep writing!!

  • Kaz_Sensei
    Kaz_Sensei2 years ago

    Hi! Author Kaz-Sensei here! This work is written by me and was originally released on Tapas. If you'd like, you can read it on there or you can continue reading here. I will be updating both series at the same time. Have fun with it and enjoy!!!

  • Kaz_Sensei
    Kaz_Sensei2 years ago

    May as well support my own work. If I can't appreciate it, no one will. Feel free to ask me any questions if your unsure or having doubts about this series, I will try my hardest to make things clear. Thank you for taking the time out of your day for clicking this!!

  • Kaz_Sensei
    Kaz_Sensei2 years ago

    Shameless review to hopefully kick things off. Though, I guess you can't blame an author for supporting his own work. ;-) Please consider reviewing this series as well, and make sure to tell me about any criticisms you may hold for this story.


Our protagonist Kage Kioshi is born into a very wealthy family. His life is a normal and joyous experience, until his parents died in a car crash. Kioshi was left as an orphan who inherited an incredible amount of wealth from his parents, but this fact could not save his crumbling world. People began turning towards him with other intentions and people exploited the lone boy until he got sick of it and rejected the request of a classmate. This triggered the button that sped up the destruction of the world that was once filled with happiness and love and now turned to ruins and rubble. He was severely bullied by everyone from that day forward, even his best friend turning on him to save his own skin. No one stood up for him and he eventually couldn't do it anymore...He dropped out in the second year of middle school. Ever since that day, getting bullied, beat to a lifeless body multiple times, he swore to take revenge on everything that ever took anything away from him, and anyone who got in the way of his happiness. Authors note: The first 5 chapters are the prologue which I definitely recommend reading as they give you a bit of an insight into why our protagonist has such goals. It's mostly just the emotions that he felt and what he experienced in a nutshell but the points made in the prologue will be brought up later in the main story and referenced to so it's 100% worth reading. Do excuse if the first couple of chapters aren't up to starters either, but I can assure you I will grow and improve in terms of my writing along the way so stick with me on this journey. Thank you for your consideration.

Kaz_Sensei · Action
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12 Chs