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he has a one dimensional team he needs a variety of Pokemon in his team they may not be able to help in farming but can be a good addition...
The progress has been very slow in a few recent chapters .
he needs a diverse team and 2-3 other Pokemon members that are stronger than swellow or on par with him he has multi water type, dragon type normal type steel psychic would be a good addition his team
Feels like this tide is going on forever, hope we will start a new arc soon.
would love to see the zygarde lore in this world if u create one different cells combining then removed goes back to cell etc etc ..
yes it's a good character enough has small flaws and some positive moments that's good enough..
For further experiment u can have a Pokemon learn a move that's not in its nature just like emboar a fire type can learn a water type move scald, so something similar u can experiment in dis world
its a great story so with little bit of biology he can change abilities to a limited time frame by extensive use and discipline cannot change nature but can mold accordingly to fit it's purpose excellent idea on the slaking line, great to incorporate annihilape evolution as well and scythers branch & stone (kind of) evolution I would love him to have castform and use its form changing and revert back to castform also ditto or smeargle where can learn one move or have an ability which mimics someone or some pokemon would love to see how u add that in this Pokemon world
hope he gets a big flying type so he can ride them same for water and land Pokemon big enought for him to ride and hope u describe the size and shape of each Pokemon alongwith the biggest average shape and size of particular Pokemon since the shape and size as per pokedex of some pokemon is weird hope u describe them. Great addition to the team bulbasaur hope she becomes versatile member to the team
wanted him to catch a starter great he caught a bulbasaur , it can be a versatile hope u make it a versatile Pokemon and not just a Pokemon who is used for sleep powder and vine whip