Quit, don't quit Noodles, don't noodles You are too concerned of what was and what will be. Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present
of reading
Read books
Maybe because you don't know the character enough? No offense by the way. But I remember that he yearned to never be mediocre nor be a loser like in his old world, hence his undying hatred of the mere concept of being one. He reveled in his confidence and uniqueness as it made him feel like he isn't one anymore, but was shown otherwise. Honestly, this is quite a small crashout in my opinion.
Breathe better
Familiarity perhaps? You would not recognize the sound of air breaking when you hear it for the first time, and thus not know its dangers, especially when you have no visuals on it.
Say goodbye
Oh no! Its Lester the Molester
Who it was sold to was never mentioned, and with the information we were recently given, we can assume that she just resold it to the writer of said book.
Decades? Bro, its was 2500+ years, not 250