


Im a college student and artist. I mainly draw but for my goal to create my own manga I write down my Story in Form of a novel first. it is mainly based on irl Events mixed Together with fantasy

2021-11-05 JoinedRussia



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  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to Cynical_Stranger

    it's the name of my actual cat haha :")

    "Morning Nox. Did you sleep well?"
    ◇Dark Souls◇
    Fantasy · Rya_kishou
  • Rya_kishou

    xiaogua so wholesome T_T soft boy

    Xiaogua took pity on her and begged Kun Shang to at least treat the beggar siblings to a meal before they left. As an orphan himself, Xiaogua knew how it felt like to go on days on an empty stomach. A long stare happened between the two men before Kun Shang finally agreed, adding that no more stealing beyond this point for the beggar siblings.
    The Rebirth of Xiu'er
    History · Just_Scissors
  • Rya_kishou

    Omg a thousand years...poor baby T_T

    A thousand years she had waited for him. A thousand years, she could only see him in her dreams, only seeing him whenever she went to sleep. But now he was real, and in front of her. She could touch him, she could feel him, smell him, anything she could do just to grasp the idea that he was real.
    The Rebirth of Xiu'er
    History · Just_Scissors
  • Rya_kishou

    I really love these kinda stories, ig it's the reason why I keep up with who made me a princess and similar novels. I like the Protagonist alot and from the first chapter I got the impression that the guy friend she talked to in school is the author of the novel she read. He seems like a nice dude ,I wonder if he gets reincarnated into the prince 🤔 overall story and flow go smooth and well and I enjoyed reading it so far. I can empathize with the MC alot. I hope she gets the happiness she deserves. I will continue reading!♡ Hopefully author-nim would want to fellowly support each other 🥺💕 keep doing ♡

    My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!
    Fantasy · Soun_Phavin
  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to Soun_Phavin

    Im glad you liked it!😭🙏 thank you!♡

    ◇Dark Souls◇
    Fantasy · Rya_kishou
  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to Rya_kishou

    good luck with contest! I got no PS on me atm as I currently already voted on another persons work x.x But good luck! ♡

    This book has been deleted.
  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to Mel_Aniv

    oh no worries i'm not sad! ik I need to improve so it's fine i'm happy for the constructive criticism uwu ♡ and ganba! you can do it 💕

    ◇Dark Souls◇
    Fantasy · Rya_kishou
  • Rya_kishou

    It's definitely a different kind of zombie story. I like the idea and the characters were interesting too. I was a little disappointed that MC got beat up for 3 days at the beginning by his comrades...it gave this typical ' MC is being bullied and later in the plot gains everyones trust and respect ' trope. Not saying It's bad, just thought it was a shame that these Teens couldn't befriend each other, given the situation but hey I guess Teens will be Teens. Something that did bother me a little was the grammar, while spelling was all fine, the grammar lacked a bit. Often the author repeated himself in the same sentence to explain the same Action, it's nothing bad, it just Interrupts the reading slow a little. In the end it's nothing to get too upset about, as the plot and Story was still understandable and easy to comprehend. Will continue reading to see how it's going. Overall a rating of 4.6 isn't bad imo.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to Mel_Aniv

    ahh thank you! I'm glad you enjoy the plot T_T I still have to send the first 3 chapters to my Editor for spell/grammar checking, I got him in the boat with the 4th chapter so 😔 👉👈 meaning to say; ik my grammar isn't top notch as english is only my third language but I got help already for it >~<

    ◇Dark Souls◇
    Fantasy · Rya_kishou
  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to GentleFlame27

    ok I will go over it tomorrow ,it's already past 4am and I gotta get some sleep 😅💀 I can't spell check everything tho and I can't promise that it will be perfect ,I myself have an Editor after all. I would do worse without him. So don't expect too much from me >~< now good night ♡

    then forgotten
    Fantasy · GentleFlame27
  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to GentleFlame27

    Im glad you enjoyed it so far! And yes it kinda has something of an Alice in wonderland theme, since Alice is mentally instable as well 🤔 I hope you'll enjoy the story in the future as well♡ thanks for the PS and Adding to collection 🥺🙏💕

    ◇Dark Souls◇
    Fantasy · Rya_kishou
  • Rya_kishou

    Hey, Author here! I humbly thank each one of you for reading ◇Dark Souls◇! It's been a dream project of mine for quite a few years. I started coming up with the story back in high school and gradually developed it inside my head over the years. Since I plan to adapt this novel into a manga in the future, my writing style obviously doesn't go into the book style direction but more into the webnovel style. I hope you won't mind it too much. I'm an absolute beginner writer, I have seriously never written anything before and tbh I was scared to start this at first, but we all gotta jump into the cold water sometimes right?! Well anyways, I'm greatful for everyone's Feedback so far! I tried to adapt it into my novel and I hope the improvement shows. Thanks to my Editor ,I got a better understanding of Word building and grammar ,which helped me implement Story aspects better. Thanks to him the grammar also gradually improved! I've edited the first 3 chapters which were not grammar checked yet and also added some things here and there, to fit the rest of the story better. Thanks to everyones feedback so far I had a good chance on learning and I'm greatful for that so thank you everyone!♡ Now if you've read this novel and enjoyed the story ,please leave a Review and lmk what you think! It would be my pleasure to hear about your thoughts ! now have a cookie and see you again! 💕👀 *gibs cookie*

    ◇Dark Souls◇
    Fantasy · Rya_kishou
  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to Rya_kishou

    I recommend downloading a spell checking App, it already helps alot in identifying basic spelling /grammar mistakes, for the perfect polishing maybe look for an Editor or an online friend who is a native speaker in English, to help you grammar check. English is only my third language and while I'm already pretty good at it I still make quite a few mistakes, so I have an Editor looking over my chapters before release. If I had the time I would help you correct your chapters ,but im actually a really busy person irl so I'm sorry I can't. Again Tldr; spellchecking app like Word or an Editor or both. Good luck!>~<

    then forgotten
    Fantasy · GentleFlame27
  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to Just_Scissors

    yes plenty, they all scattered though but our group is meeting many more in the future 👀 still a few more Team members that come in the future

    Ch 13 Chapter 12: Escape plans pt.2
    ◇Dark Souls◇
    Fantasy · Rya_kishou
  • Rya_kishou

    I read the first 3 chapters of it and while the story progressed at a good pace and the Logic behind it was okay, the writing itself wasn't that good. I had a hard time following sometimes and it was clear the authors first language isn't english. I recommend getting an Editor as it would help alot in improving the writing quality. For Character Design I think they were okay. Could have been described more what they looked like and also polish their personalities more. Overall I think this book is decent, it got air for improvement but with an Editor it should do much better. Otherwise the plot was nice imo.

    then forgotten
    Fantasy · GentleFlame27
  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to Peanut_204

    ahhh im glad you enjoyed it this far!🥺🙏💕 And yes im still learning since its the first time im ever writing something >~< im glad the improvement Shows 🥺💕 Today chapter will be a lil late due to my Editor not feeling well but dw I Update chapters daily usually 💕

    ◇Dark Souls◇
    Fantasy · Rya_kishou
  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to Just_Scissors

    Ren is Reveries nickname♡

    "I see. Nice to make your aquaintance Ren!"
    ◇Dark Souls◇
    Fantasy · Rya_kishou
  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to nickstar777wow

    I still need to let my Editor overwork the first chapters but starting the 4th it's all spell /grammar checked already. But I'm glad you like the concept of the story though! 🥺👉👈 And again sorry for the miscommunication before 😔

    ◇Dark Souls◇
    Fantasy · Rya_kishou
  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to ShoeInk

    thank you! I got an Editor so that might be why my grammar got better haha 😅😳 and yes as a Beginner author i still got a lot to learn so your feedback is highly appreciated 🙏 I hope you will continue reading as I Update chapters daily and will enjoy the story. Also yes I absolutely love ORV! ♡ T^T

    ◇Dark Souls◇
    Fantasy · Rya_kishou
  • Rya_kishou
    Replied to nickstar777wow

    it wasn't the train but the whole "the novel coming to reality and MC is the only one who knows whats happening" part. it's fine thought c: I don't mind it, since im a big Fan of both novels I just hope that it goes into a more unique way from now on. 👉👈🥺

    Urban · nickstar777wow