


A price is always exacted for what fate bestows

2021-10-31 JoinedAntarctica

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  • _Blasphemer_

    mirrors that can show something they’re not supposed to are chilling

    Yes, it was totally not ominous at all.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_
    Replied to Supreme_Leader

    Equal exchange

    'As long as she doesn't pinch my cheeks, we're good.' Was his stance on the matter.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_

    You could’ve give them this info for free as Christmas present 🥲

    "Merry Christmas, guys." He smiled at them, before leaving without further adieux.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_

    When girl really really dislikes a guy it usually means she’ll be first to fall for him.

    "…" Hermione really, really disliked Magnus Arran. She waited for him to get tired of this charade and spill the beans, yet all she got from him was an amused smile and a dead silence.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_
    Sadly, it was too late. As her new friend already started walking toward the amber eyed boy, intent on questioning him. And all she could do was swallow the lump in her throat and follow behind him, the things she did for her friends…
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_

    Yo man, you need therapy

    But today it would be different, today he'll prove that he's better than that bloody Magnus! He's been preparing this for days, bribing each of their classmates not to interfere with money, personal books and the promise of a part of Magnus's secrets.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_

    So it’s this type of story

    McGonagall made it clear that she would not go easy on me, asking me to transfigure multiple needles at once and to add some carvings on the surface of the metal. The Scottish witch drowned me in work with an enthusiasm that matched my own, and that absolutely didn't stem from her earlier humiliation in feline form.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_
    Replied to Daniel_Johnson_9927

    That’s Hermione, she’s allowed

    "See? The needle is a silver and pointy, good job Mr. Arran. This will be five points for Ravenclaw." The transfiguration teacher said with a rare smile.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_
    Replied to grav1ty24

    Facts, if you find yourself in hp universe and not pet McGee kitty you’re a

    'it's pretty hard to be afraid of someone you just petted.' I thought, a bit amused by their reaction.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_
    Replied to starfart111

    An kitty like:

    A predetermined seating arrangement was inscribed on the board. My place was in the first raw next to Padma Patil, on the opposite side of one Hermione Granger.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_
    Replied to _NorthStar_
    "However, for those select few who possess the predisposing… I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses, I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." Said Professor Snape.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_
    Replied to CROW_OF_TRUTH

    Wdym? This guys quite liked them.

    It was a closed, dreary dark place where the air was scarce and impregnated with the scent of potions and ingredients. It was constraining on so many levels it simply made me want to grab Terry and Penelope then make a run for it.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_

    That’s literally the best reasons to pick ravenclaw

    One of the best thing about the Ravenclaw house, besides having a library in our common room, older students willing to lend you a hand in your studies and being the house of your truly, is that we are of the two houses in this castle that offer its students individual rooms.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_
    What Color Is Your Firebolt?
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_

    Normies going to hogwarts to learn magic, real man going for food

    After we finished the main course, the golden plates were cleaned instantly, their content was soon replaced with more desserts than I could count. Not that I'd bother, as I savored some chocolate ice cream.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_
    "Boy, I am talking hat. I was created by four extraordinary wizards who founded a school called Hogwarts to sort children into houses that will determine their entire future based on their eleven years old self. How is it any less surprising than my world being replicated as a fiction by a muggle?" Explained the hat "I am the sorting hat, I sort students. Nothing more, nothing less. I am no advisor for the school's headmaster, nor am I an overelaborate tool to spy on children. Why would I care for anything but your personality, potential and values?"
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_

    Am I getting this right? Mc knowing that hat spends 99% of its free time next to the most dangerous man in the world, prob see future knowledge from getting into his head, and he still came to this school.

    Albus Dumbledore was scary.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_
    Replied to Baki_342

    I don’t think he actively uses legilimency. He’s expertise in that field prob so high that when people cross eyes with him they like an open books

    But only two of them took my full attention, the cowardly man with a ridiculous purple turban on his head. And the eccentric old wizard with a long, silvery beard that shined as bright as the ghosts we met on our way here. He wore purple robes, half-moon glasses and had strange twinkling eyes I would rather not look at.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_

    How about getting there at 10:30

    It was the first of September, the day that marked the start of a new school year in Hogwarts. All students were expected to show up at station nine and three quarters, in order to board the Hogwarts express at 11 o'clock sharp.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemer_

    Img minding your own business, next moment getting surrounded by magic police telling that you can’t be among muggles in such clothes and you just Irish.

    "Is this man wearing stockings?" I mumbled, pushing my heavy trolley across the station. I could have done without seeing a man wearing stockings and a particularly alluring pencil skirt walking around the station before being swarmed by ministry employees.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH