


pretty average boy

2021-10-16 JoinedThailand

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  • An_Tony
    Replied to Firstanddotstealer

    sent that 'thing'... i repeat, sent that 'thing', we can't win otherwise... I'm the last survivor of the unit, we need to sent it, NOW.

    She mumbled the last part of the sentence and I wasn't able to hear it. Maybe I don't even want to know what she said.
    A Supporting Character's Love Story
    Realistic · Kuroyasha404
  • An_Tony

    she have a flexible arm! 1. release her! 2. transition into back control! 3 transition into power armbar, breaking her arm!

    ③"Chance!" Transition into an armbar.
    Date a Live
    Fantasy · Novel_Writer_5480
  • An_Tony

    just because he wish he could recover relationship with someone who break it doesn't mean he's a simp -_- he's just a person who doesn't hold grudges, if he's truly a simp then he wouldn't even broke up with her and accept to have a relationship with her again. smh...

    I can finally move away from Amiya, I thought. It's weird how she still lingers in my head and just randomly pops up sometimes. I've moved on from her but I still look back on our time together, because the truth is, even if she cheated on me, I'm willing to become friends with her again however weird that is.
    My Girlfriend Cheated on Me, so I Moved on With My Life
    Realistic · Slusher
  • An_Tony

    man known and love her for NEARLY 10 YEARS moving on ain't easy, it takes time.

    No matter what happens, I know for a fact that I still truly loved Amiya...
    My Girlfriend Cheated on Me, so I Moved on With My Life
    Realistic · Slusher
  • An_Tony
    Replied to Unknownuserleft

    he's not a simp, he's a person who move on and leave his pettiness behind.

    Deleting the video, I open the phone up and dial her number.
    My Girlfriend Cheated on Me, so I Moved on With My Life
    Realistic · Slusher
  • An_Tony

    best girl, along with rinse, no cap🧢

    Ch 98 My New Girlfriend was a Loner (Chinae Ending)
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    the problem is the cheese and sauce, you can also eat grilled chicken sandwiches as a substitute, and marinade the chicken instead, i have alot of those from groceries store, shit slap harder than my mom.

    "Sure, it's not totally healthy." She agreed with him on both points. "But, I eat out with my friends all the time and I'm perfectly fine." True, Ishi certainly would never say that she was overweight by any means. However, that was probably because she was blessed that all that food went to some very fortunate spots boys went crazy for.
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    nah, burger is just THAT amazing you know?

    "Well, you already try to dye your hair blonde to look more like the people from the states." So her enjoying the same foods they ate wasn't all that much of a stretch for him to believe. "If I didn't know any better, I'd almost think you were from there and not here."
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    i wish we could bring back historical accurate archery and make it popular, the day when people shoots 3 arrows under 1.5 seconds and a native that had the ability to shoot into the rifle that caused the spanish to not advance forward and invent revolver to counter against them, ofc that was an example of very skilled archer, but even normal archer back then would clap any modern archer lol, and another thing, watch lars anderson, he have a whole Chanel about it, really cool

    "It's just in the attitude." He beckoned her to hand over the bow. She did and he charged up a shot as he continued to explain himself. "I take it the two of you aren't the outdoorsy type." Ishi let off his shot. A perfect bullseye.
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    why man? you got to murder other with bows and intentionally malfunction safety machine then push other of the climb, uncool.

    Now Ishi found himself heading for the station that he personally disliked the most when going on the field trip as a first year. This location being the part where people got to enjoy a few fun games. He had chosen to delay going here as long as he could, but obligations meant that it wasn't going to last forever. So taking care of Chinae next was his next decision.
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    the problem is they don't know how to do it right, it's not just drilling a stick on top of wood, it's more than that

    Finally, they were also allowed to use matches, but that was viewed as boring for most. So a lot of students opted to try the old fashion branch method as a means of showing off that they were skilled enough.
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    hold up- wait minute? somethin' ain't right

    Fortunately by then, he was aided by some other boys who jumped in to help out as they swam back to shore. Time was of the essence when he noted that she wasn't breathing. "You're lucky I know CPR." His parents had made him take the course, which wasn't something that the boy wanted to do. At that point, he assumed that he would never even go anywhere that had water deep enough to harm anyone. Thankfully he did pay attention in class and was able to resuscitate her.
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    hmmmmmm, at first he was pretty annoying, he acts and think like a narcissistic at first, but some way somehow he became alot more mature and always honest with himself, good job ishi!

    "Heh." He chuckled in response to her question. "Well, this time I want to do it." That was his only answer before leaving the girl. The moment their conversation ended, she was swarmed by the many people around them, asking her to join them in going to the market.
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    hmmmmmm, at first he was pretty annoying, he acts and think like a narcissistic at first, but some way somehow he became alot more mature and always honest with himself, good job ishi!

    "Heh." He chuckled in response to her question. "Well, this time I want to do it." That was his only answer before leaving the girl. The moment their conversation ended, she was swarmed by the many people around them, asking her to join them in going to the market.
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    bro, that shit hurt, like really, my back feels like it break in half lol.

    In reality, it wasn't something all that dangerous at all. It was merely only about a 10 meter drop from the peak to the waters underneath. That was barely more than what one would find at their local swimming pool, should it have a diving board.
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    you fucking dare, YOU. FUCKING. DARE!!!!

    "Bor~ing." Ryugi made fun of his idea as she already got her snow cone. "Of course you'd be the lame one."
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    looks matters in relationship, at the start at least, after you plan your life together and decide the other to be the love of your life, you need to accept how they look, i mean, if they're over weight then you should encourage them to change themselves, but with something that couldn't be change you must accept it, that's what love is.

    "Heh, for once I agree with these two." He said with a smile on his face. "But, not for the same reasons." Those two made it sound like looks didn't matter to them, which he believed to be untruthful. While there was the potential that they were being honest, there was no way of telling until they had even seen this girl. Not that their answers affected how Ishi felt. "If I did find you to be ugly, then I wouldn't date you."
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    looks matters in relationship, at the start at least, after you plan your life together and decide the other to be the love of your life, you need to accept how they look, i mean, if they're over weight then you should encourage them to change themselves, but with something that couldn't be change you must accept it, that's what love is.

    "Heh, for once I agree with these two." He said with a smile on his face. "But, not for the same reasons." Those two made it sound like looks didn't matter to them, which he believed to be untruthful. While there was the potential that they were being honest, there was no way of telling until they had even seen this girl. Not that their answers affected how Ishi felt. "If I did find you to be ugly, then I wouldn't date you."
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    um, what the fuck??? you gonna give those kid brain damage???

    "Sorry." His friend chuckled at the misunderstanding. "We're playing American football, not normal football." Ishi was left dumbfounded as the boys produced the football that was used in the states. Why were they playing a sport that literally none of them had ever seen in person, let alone play?
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51
  • An_Tony

    ngl, that was actually very big ballz play from koto, respect to him.

    "That won't do at all." Koto changed his mind quickly, with the same level of determination as before. "This is a special play for all of us, and it'd be a shame if you missed out on such a precious memory." He took her by the hands to make a vow. "I'll play Juliet, and I'll even wear a dress. Now come on, let's go practice." The pair ran off, which caused Ishi to face palm in the most disappointed fashion.
    My new Neighbor's an Idol!?
    Realistic · bigbear51