

2021-10-09 JoinedAustralia



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  • Shitler
    Replied to Yaroom

    He's 10 but he does have the emotional maturity from his past life as well. In this world, you're a full legal adult at 15 and he's pretty much saying that these things should only be done when he's an adult. It's not going to get graphic until he's an adult.

    Instead of a verbal reply, Vanessa locked her lips with Kye's as they kissed for a few moments before she pulled back, bashfully smiling at him.
    Rise of the Steel Angels
    Fantasy · Shitler
  • Shitler
    Replied to Ancient_Egyptian

    Not so much as their own Weavetech, but more specifically weapons and the way to create Spellweave crystals. Given enough time and resources, Kye knows that the Tower of Magos would have the ability to reverse engineer Spellweave eventually. Kye needs to maintain an iron grip on Spellweave and how to make the crystals so that this doesn't happen before he has the power to counteract it

    Ch 13 Deals Conclude
    Rise of the Steel Angels
    Fantasy · Shitler
  • Shitler
    Replied to Ancient_Egyptian

    Essentially, Kye's plan requires as few people knowing about Spellweave and it's higher functions as possible until Kye is ready to show it off. He doesn't want to invite the possibility of other people having their own weavetech by letting slip what it's fully capable of. It's not just Amatiya, it's everyone.

    Ch 13 Deals Conclude
    Rise of the Steel Angels
    Fantasy · Shitler
  • Shitler
    Replied to Apple6769

    They're tribal, in the sense that they have a culture, just that it's primitive in its nature. Orcs have a language and tactics, the Runewalker soldiers wouldn't have an issue fighting them with even powder rifles if they just headsmahed into the walls. They're not going to have massive cities or anything, but they won't be the 'monster' variety of orcs we see in lots of Light Novels and such, if that give you any indication.

    Ch 40 Meeting Conrad
    Rise of the Steel Angels
    Fantasy · Shitler
  • Shitler
    Replied to Yaroom

    indeed, she doesn't need to but she still can. imagine not physically being able to sleep, that sounds really unfun

    Kye opened his eyes, staring at the elaborate stone ceiling of his room back at his parent's mansion. The wind blew through the open window gently, causing the light curtains to flutter peacefully. His body ached dully all over as if his body was rebuking him for pushing it past its limit. He moved his head slowly to see Vanessa sitting at his bedside, currently sleeping. He had to admit that she was stunningly beautiful and that her devotion to him was admirable but Kye had to wonder how much of that was her or Alayah. Yet, the trust issues he found himself stuck on originally were alleviated from that night when she went against his orders because of her feelings. It made him realise that despite being a servant of a god, spawned in front of his very eyes, she was very much a living person.
    Rise of the Steel Angels
    Fantasy · Shitler
  • Shitler
    Replied to ExPandaLord

    it was intended to be a time skip, five years old is a bit young to be training like Kye is.

    Ch 3 Training
    Rise of the Steel Angels
    Fantasy · Shitler
  • Shitler
    Replied to nighmora

    there is a reason for that and it will be explained in a later chapter but he will be training in magic eventually

    Ch 14 The Next Year
    Rise of the Steel Angels
    Fantasy · Shitler
  • Shitler

    Oh, I forgot to mention. Happy New Year everyone!

    Ch 10 Competition or Harmony?
    Rise of the Steel Angels
    Fantasy · Shitler
  • Shitler
    Replied to Taoist_Azure_Sword

    Hey, thanks for taking the time to review my story and I'm glad you like it so far!

    Rise of the Steel Angels
    Fantasy · Shitler