

2021-10-11 JoinedGlobal

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  • Daniel_Tapiro_6903

    YES, this novel is very much almost a carbon copy of 'The Novels Extra' in the first 50 chapters. YES, the amount of info dumping in the first 50 chapters is hard to get through. I honestly found it impressive that the writer even managed to come up with so much lore and just dump it out so effortlessly with very little plot happening...😂 Now the actual review: The world building is great. Very unbalanced in the beginning because of all the info dumping, but it gets better, so if that bothers you I urge you to stick with it. MC-Author is pretty great the only times I don't enjoy him at all is whenever he interacts with the female cast, at which point the writer decides to turn him into a bumbling fool for no real reason, especially in the beginning of the novel. In general my least favorite characters in this novel are the so-called original protagonists of the story(with the exception of Kevin) they are just annoying to read... they get better over time but overall I wish they were such a smaller part of the actual story. I just kind of wished the entire time that we get to focus and anyone else besides them. I enjoyed pretty much most of the supporting cast more then the so called main characters. Overall yeah this is good but I think people are slightly over hyping this. It has a lot of strong points like world building and solid strength progression but If similar to me you dislike MC turning into an idiot only around woman this novel will be hard for you at points.

    The Author's POV
    Fantasy ¡ Entrail_JI
  • Daniel_Tapiro_6903

    I somewhat enjoyed this novel for the first 50 chapters. I didn't think the writing was anything super original (but let's be honest, 90% of novels on this site aren't). With that being said, I felt like it was an amalgamation of a lot of stuff you like to see in these kinds of novels. This novel though for some reason chooses to have some of most forced character development I've ever seen. I didn't think I would ever wish a novel would ease up on character development but God I wish for it here. It constantly puts characters, mainly the MC, in situations where they make bad decisions out of nowhere only to have them do an inner monologue with themselves about how they need to change.... It feels cheap and frankly unnecessary because most of the characters are well written enough that you don't need half of the so-called 'character development' this novel does. It's really hard to describe how much of a turn off this novel is when you're reading an arc, you're really enjoying it, and then out of left field the MC makes a ridiculous decision that you feel like doesn't make any sense with his prior character. Also the Eleonora character, OMFG... She made me drop this novel 15 chapters after she was introduced. If you enjoy her I can only pray for you....

    Parallel Memory
    Fantasy ¡ SomDxD
  • Daniel_Tapiro_6903

    So it's a lot better executed when I started reading then I thought it would be. The 3 wife's aren't just in love with him because the plot demands it from the start, they mostly treat him as either a friend or someone to be cautious about. MC is pretty bland in the sense that hes kinda just perfect from the beginning. I don't mean that in the sense that hes an ultimate badass more in that he perfectly handles any interaction he has, cares about his friends and family, great at school and an amazing boyfriend. On one hand it is pretty boring on the other hand we all know that there are more annoying MCs out there(especially for harem) then good ones, so him just kinda being neither is I guess better then nothing. Where this novel really falls incredibly short is the the writing quality and grammer. You will be left confused many times as to who is speaking to who in a scene and it will seem like entire parts of conversations are missing. Honestly if you told me that the writer hired an editor who only translated 80% and ripped him off by skipping sentences here and there, I would be inclined to believe you. Minor Spoiler: Where this novel felll really short imo was handling his girlfriend. We basically start off with him being like 'well I have a girlfriend so I can't get romantically involved with them' but then so quickly he just does(goes back to the whole thing of, it feels like we're missing parts of the novel, like some sort of inner monologue he has). Then instead of going the interesting route of exploring his girlfriend feeling insecure about this, she seems excited about her boyfriend getting a harem and that shell get to see his 'Yankee' side(and yes they say that repeadtly) which gets her all hot...

    My legendary class is Husband Of Deathwill Sisters?!
    Games ¡ Sixth
  • Daniel_Tapiro_6903

    At the start it's promising and the writing quality is excellent, so it will keep you reading for a while. I really liked the MCs premise, cold and untrusting but also not a complete badass he kinda lucks into surviving in the beginning and then has to work hard to survive. All that makes his switch into being a badass more believable. Now the bad: Pretty much all of the other characters that aren't MC or Lilith (Female lead) are 10 times less interesting(at least in the large part of the beginning). Also, the direction the story goes doesn't line up with MCs personality at all... You only care about your family? then why are you hanging out with any of these dead weights? Especially when you know all you need to do is keep killing and becoming stronger and make your way to your family..... just saying they're on the other side of the city is completely unbelievable to me as a reason for why he would put up with any of these people longer and not just leave. I get that the idea is hes becoming a leader from a loner but man it feels unnatural... if his goal was something different you could have made it make sense but it doesn't at all...

    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy ¡ XIETIAN
  • Daniel_Tapiro_6903
    Replied to John_Doever

    I'm really looking forward to it! it's a fantastic read honestly

    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy ¡ John_Doever
  • Daniel_Tapiro_6903

    The concept is 10/10. Think 'The Boys' in a cyberpunk setting and the MC has powers and summons that are based on magic and fantasy. That might sound like a lot but the author actually found a way to make it work. MC is cool in the fact that he's ruthless, cunning and doesn't even fall to the generic trap of exposing his powers to the world before he's ready to fight back. Unlike a lot of these system type novels where MC will help someone, thus exposing himself and having enemies target him early(generic stuff like that). On the other hand, he's far too edgy for my liking. . . He both literally and figuratively turns himself into more of a monster the longer the story goes on. The idea that all he cares about is power is cool but the fact that he's a decent person overall really makes you question his whole willingness to turn himself more and more to a monster(just feels unnecessary to me, I'm totally fine with him just being a ruthless person. Would make a lot more sense) Then there's the pacing. This is probably the worst part of this novel by far. . . It's so incredibly slow. Events that you feel should take 2 chapters take like 5 with multiple repeats of the same information and over descriptions of things and appearances. In any other novel this would actually be a deal breaker imo, but like I said because the concept is so cool to over amount of exposition is bearable. But yeah, by the time you get to chapter 150 you feel like we could have gotten here at chapters 100-120.

    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy ¡ John_Doever
  • Daniel_Tapiro_6903

    This novel is really underrated. It's been a while since I've read a novel that has cool world building, characters that make sense and gives you interesting backstory on all of it while not having it feel like info dumps. MC will annoy you in the beginning for sure, but it's not terrible, and later on gets explained (you'll probably like him by 60-80 chapters in). It also solves what a lot of 'System' type novels struggle with imo, which is the system itself. A lot of writers will introduce a cool system only to barley touch on it later on in the story because it becomes too OP or too convoluted to explain. This novel solves that by introducing a system that is actually really basic and easy to follow, this allows it to always be present. Even the romance(usually the weakness in these novels) similar to most of the relationships in the novel, is really well built for the most part and grows on you. ****Spoiler***** Personally I didn't love Sarah's introduction, I thought she comes off as unlikable early on. Fortunately MC isn't unconditionally nice to her so when he does have a turn around on her it's more believable that they developed feeling for each other. Still better than 95% of novels that have the cold beauty who's rude to the protagonist in the beginning and then falls in love with him.

    Divine Path System
    Fantasy ¡ _Transcendent