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If anyone actually replies yes to this, they deserve the horde of angry peasants(netizens) that are coming to lynch them like an accused witch from the 15th century. Also, please don't drop the story. It is too good to leave unfinished.
ignoring the existence of crimes doesn't mean that they magically stop happening their are plenty of real published non-fanfic novels out there that talk about much much darker shit than this if this disturbs you more than say hearing about gangsters or terrorists literally raping and torturing people and then choping off their limbs and/or head on the news you need to go get help this is the 21st century were bad shit happens somewhere in the world every minute of every day. Ignoring that it happens only helps the psychos who do it. That being said, this is just a story meant to entertain people. If it doesn't entertain, you don't read it, but don't go around telling people they can't enjoy the story because it has some darker themes to it and you don't like that. Going by that logic, you might as well ban classic horror and crime novels like Sherlock Holmes and Dracula as well.
I'm going to go out on a limb and blame "Dumbo Greater Good, I know what's best for everyone, Dumbledore" for almost everything wrong in Hogwarts. What little isn't his fault lies at The Board of Governors' feet.
Ah, I see we've escalated to overkill/war crime territory. Should we start raising the dead or, worse, unleashing the Mad God Sheogorath on mortal plain so the party can really start?(he'll probably fuck both sides over in his madness but mutually assured annihilation via psychosis is an acceptable outcome at this point....)
Or maybe maybe Dunmer casts Greater ward like any smart experienced mage, spell blade, or battle mage would when facing archers, and the arrows either get deflected or the damage bleeds off enough to be negligible? Honestly, the wood elf arrow pincushion stereotype is the weakest argument you could have made besides even if you don't have any magic, a shield or sturdy plate armor works almost as well too.
Dunmer supremacy! see a problem? Kill it with fire magic. Resistant to fire magic? That's why frost, lightning, and sunfire magic were created. Immune to purely offensive magic? use alteration to make yourself tougher and stronger, illusion magic to hide from, confuse, and disorient your enemies or bolster your allies and use conjuration to summon weapons, armor, and minions to serve you in battle. got injured? Use alchemy to make a remedy or restoration magic to cure the injury. Are your enemies to magic or in a heavily fortified position? Hire the Morag Tong to infiltrate and eliminate their leadership while your house guards prepare to storm their fortresses.
love the dnd reference there
And to be honest, I personally think that Ronald Weasley used a love potion to get together with Hermione.