I like reading and writing. I also like pokemon
of reading
Read books
to be more specific, this is the Alabaster Ice lands. only place where Avalugg can be found.
Umu! I recall hearing that Fujimaru was meant to be the embodiment of humanities instinct for survival, akin to a mini-Alaya. But since I haven't played Grand Order I'm not sure if It's true.
Bro, John ain't even losing 2 truths and one lie. "I once used the Gate of Matter. I was directly responsible for Ezkibal's death. I was taught by Voldemort and Godrick Gryffindor. I've killed Voldemort 3 times."
bro you're literally a pokemon trainer. I know you're still in the phase where you think you can solo with your starter, Blue, but you should still try to catch the Legendaries like Isobro.
It's probably more like Nicholas' Diary and the Magical paintings. An Artificial copy of his soul with the same mannerisms, memories, and thought processes. The reason it had a timelimit was probably because of the combat capability's necessitating energy unlike the other two which were solely capable of talking/writing and couldn't move 9n their own.
that sounds like something I'd actually read, lmao.
Dude, this is the third time something from Genius Blinker was ripped off. First was the spectacles, then the Alchemy professor, and now this! Once is inspiration, twice is coincidence, thrice is practically plagiarism.