of reading
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I stopped reading this
Okay guys, I'll say right away that this is just another teenage love fantasy, and not some good HOTD fanfic. And if you need details, then the author is simply focused on Assassin's Creed and because of this, a lot of things look simply ridiculous, there is no POV of the green ones, in principle, when you read from an unknown person, you do it.
God, that's enough already
Maybe a separate person is needed for this? and of course I understand that the MC is OP, but maybe there will still be at least some POV from the green side, otherwise your fanfic from the house of the dragon turns into a teenage love fantasy.
Just a terrible fanfiction written by AI, MC has no purpose, with that dragon and the knowledge that he has, he just becomes a Targaryen dog, there is no point in his actions, why does he care about some fucking Targaryens of their heritage and Westeros in general? I would put 0/10, the author just doesn't try and writes queries to AI and posts an unedited version
оооооо кощей бессмертный, петр шувалов
get well
Finally, finally, we have waited for the action!!! Hooray hooray