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Well, why would someone so powerful want to be a hunter, I would directly declare my tyranny.
Why doesn't he join the Viltrum Empire? After all, he's Viltrumite himself, and he's definitely the strongest (now or in the future). Wouldn't it be easier if he wanted the world for himself? P.S. I watched it a long time ago until the second season and there's a good chance that there's something I don't know about. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me something I don't know. Neden Viltrum İmparatorluğuna katılmıyorki? Sonuçta kendiside Viltrumite ve kesinlikle en güçlüsü (şimdi veya gelecekte). Dünyayı kendisi için isteseydi daha kolay olmaz mıydı? Not : Uzun zaman önce ikinci sezona kadar izledim ve bilmediğim birşeyler olma ihtimali çok yüksek. Bilmediğim birşey söylerseniz sevinirim.
I'm leaving the series before I finish episode 20. The main character is an overly passive, overly useless, incompetent son of a who is an extreme loser, weak, weak-willed, who only does what others say, who accepts even if he is brutally beaten. If he had a little bit of self, I'd go on, but he has zero authenticity and self.
a servant who cannot even fulfill such a simple order from his master
I don't know if you call the Turkmen principalities Arabs, but I hope not (as a Turk, the thing you hate the most is being mistaken for an Arab).
The main character is so lame that I couldn't even finish chapter 4. If Mc`yi had been an intelligent, mature and sensible person instead of a loser, the novel would have been readable.
Thanks for the episode!