The legendary Heaven-Splitting Swordsman
In the once-prosperous village of FengJin, the young heir Li Wei experiences tragedy as the Central Alliance lays waste to his home, resulting in the loss of his family and the village's honor. Amid the devastation, gravely injured and haunted by memories of the attack, Li Wei clings to life, driven by a burning need for revenge against his attackers, particularly Han Lao the general of the Central Alliance
Discovering a secret chamber beneath the ruins of the Wei Manor, a sanctuary of martial arts legacy, Li Wei immerses himself in mastering the Heaven-Splitting Technique. This demanding martial art requires a perfect union of mind, body, and spirit. Through rigorous training, meditation, and connecting with the life force, Qi, Li Wei transforms from a wounded heir to a formidable swordsman.
His journey is not just about avenging his family and village, but also about self-discovery, growth, and reclamation of FengJin's honor. As Li Wei's skills progress, he readies himself to venture out in search of lost tomes to further his mastery, signaling the beginning of his true quest.
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