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That's the point. It is strange he got caught. When Dumbledore caught him for the circle around the goblet, it was a completely understandable development. It was Dumbledore and his method was explained. With Ivy, Quinn decides for reasons that he no longer needs his paranoia or his planning or half his characterization and basically invites people to do what Ivy did with his lack of preparation. Had this happened back in his second year it would have been plausible. It isn't now. This is dumbing down a character for plot purposes. Not a good look. Though as I've said before, not my book, not my ocs, not my plot. My opinion is in the end irrelevant to the story. It is just my take on things.
...Oh yea I just kissed my childhood friend/rival's boyfriend. But who care cus' I think he's cute and stuff! I totally didn't just try to ruin a relationship. Thats reallllly gross. I already didn't like Ivy because of how demanding she is, but now I dislike her even more.
'Rose Petal Red' by NonchalantxFish has a good court scene in the MC's second year. All around good fanfic. Very long though.
I really liked this scene. It was cool to see someone new pull out the big guns. I mostly skimmed the first scene though, I'm not really into the pairing possibilities. Thanks for the chapter!
Yes, but he uses skills. Ivy just decided to follow him, she literally just used her legs. She decided that it was her business to know what Quinn was doing at any point in time. I'm mostly annoyed that he is going on with this and actually letting her have all this information just because she fucking asked him for it. If she or someone else spied on him and discovered what he was doing via any kind of skill I would be completely fine with it.
I don't even care if she keeps the promise. Her knowing sucks big time.
Hopefully in more of a small, pathetic animal kind of way. Like how people aww at a dog that doesn't know how to get down the stairs.
Ugggghhhh. Please no.
"yOu bEtTEr sHoW iT To mE" nope. now it's time to engineer a situation where it is not possible or safe for that to happen. OR just have him go back on his word but that would be strongly out of character.
Yea I know, and it's the author's choice and all that. It's more an extreme annoyance at how fucking nosey she is than actual anger. I was just trying to be dramatic.