I write 18+ WN, you may like them or you may not, I enjoy writing them.
of reading
Read books
While I will be sticking very close to the first few episodes of the show, I am planning to take inspiration from the Silver Age comics from the late 1950s. I am just beginning to write it after all.
I think if one is trapped for eternity, they will forget everything. Even the way they speak, their name, who they are, what they are. He might be speaking complete gibberish, but I as an author, can act as a medium and tell you what he might be thinking. I didn't make him lose his memory because I thought it was convenient. I genuinely believe that if you spend an eternity trapped, you will lose them. So when you put a soul with no memory, no knowledge in a new body, the only thing it can rely on is the memory and feelings the body already possesses, and maybe its own gut feelings. Sure, those feelings might get diluted because of the foreign soul, but these feelings are of a person who was very dear to the original Barry. So that is why he has such a strong reaction to his "Mother's" death Because he is solely relying on what his body already knows and feels. As for the heroine change, I wanted Caitlin to be the one, it's a fan-fic after all.
He carries multiple weapons
I appreciate any kind of support, thank you!!
A spear is a much more friendly weapon compared to a sword or any other bladed weapon that has a high skill curve. And since the previous Brax was just a mortal, a normal spear was the best option for him to carry at that time. Plus, Spear all round is very versatile, both in offense and defense. Much better than a sword.
Mc's not a coward. It has nothing to do with intelligence. Also, some of the most intelligent people in the world were explorers. Only cowards live in seclusive because they are afraid of the big picture. Mc is an explorer, someone who is keen to learn.
Being a genius doesn't make them perfect, they just think very differently. So no, not every genius out there would have a contingency plan for their death. He already found a way to increase his lifespan and thought that would be enough. Knowing that he is better than everyone, and knowing that his demise wouldn't benefit humanity, he felt safe. Being the best made him arrogant so he completely ignored the extremist factor, and that is what led to his untimely death.
Who says creepy can't be hot?😉😜