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it means to shoot anyone and everything that breaths inside the house
it was mentioned in the previous chapter too
the garden and jiera guardians aren't the only ones so I think that yes there are in fact, other guardians
aren't they abominations though? can an abomination even have a child when they devour life? I feel like that's a very quick way to cause a mother to be mental trauma
racism is not natural it's brought on when a large portion of one race looks down on another races skin colour by attributing it to them being inferior .. there have been many instances of different braces interacting and trading.... take the acint Greeks (who were very white) and the anicent egyptians ( who ranged from medium brown to very black) they got along relatively fine in times of peace and even conducted trade and political relationships
no it's not. without moments like these a novel is trash. besides after what happened to her you can't blame her it's called ptsd
wrong. salark is the best character
that's different this bytra is just a clone of the original and a pure and innocent clone too who isn't scummy like the original was...there's no saving Meln
since when is Lith this emotionally intelligent without Solus
some... mine is a narcissist who irritates everyone in the house and thinks she's perfect 😂 my mother would be an amazing grandma though she would definitely go full hulk if someone disrespected her grandchild