


Oh Yeah. This app, website, inkstone and anything associated with it can burn for all I care.

2021-08-15 JoinedPhilippines



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The Power of Morgan Freeman

Sometimes, I ask, what is the point of writing? Do we write to satisfy ourselves? Or, perhaps the readers? I came to the conclusion that maybe it isn't about the fact of satisfaction, but rather the soul of writing. I once had a friend, he was a good friend, he often told me his stories and I would listen to them, he liked to drink soda, specifically pepsi. I asked him why he likes it and he told me because his favorite color was blue, he said he liked blue because it reminded him of when he was hospitalized and all he could see was the blue sky, it was similar to a story about Icarus, Icarus wanted to get close to the sun and he burned his wings because of it. A bird has wings because it is a species that flies, they're avians and avians fly, just like how fishes are aquatic animals because aquatic animals swim in the ocean or large bodies of water, either really. Once, my little sister, she was still very small then, asked why can't they just swim in the air? That's when I realized that maybe I just needed to free my mind from the constraints of normality, maybe thinking outside the box would help me. Speaking of boxes, you know about Schrödinger's Box? Or was it cat? Yeah, cats are cool. They're cute and they're fluffy and they meow, similar to how dogs woof and bark and their ancestors are wolves. Back when we were cavemen and we started domesticating then, we gave them meat we hunted and all of that, we used maybe rock or wooden spears, it has the piercing power and the innate strength of hunters then make killing game easier, nowadays we have guns and rarely to we use melee tools, it's just much safer, but even safer is just getting meet from poultry farm or whatever you call it for pigs and cows and sheeps. We can bring them to those places like how shepherds control sheeps back in the day, it was a traveler job. Nowadays, the only travelers are something like explorers, they use gadgets and all that, I remember seeing a video about explorers using internet explorer and he was watching cat videos instead of the map, boy were they lost. I don't remember what channel I watched it from, but I remember I was 10 years old then. Back then, I liked to play around inside the house and rarely went outside, the outside was full of unknown dangers to me and I was shy, shyness comes from stuff that happens to the kid at a young age, if too severe it can become social anxiety, just like that one guy from the Joker movie, or was it Joker himself? He worked as a clown, and I remember I had a girlfriend who's brother worked as a clown and I would remember how he liked to make corny jokes, and on one of those times we actually were eating corn. It was fresh out of the farm and freshly heated in a pot, just like how peanuts were, I remember the memes about sonic and how peanuts were called peanuts because pee was stored in the nuts. Anyways, where was I? Oh yes. So, like I said. What drives us to be writers? No, why exactly do writers write? Was it for the writers themselves or was it for the readers? The answer I got came from the fact that I am writing this ridiculously long sypnosis, the word that sounds like sinus, sinus is like too much phlegm that it goes and stucks deep inside your nose and clogs it, it eventually hurts so much that you can either drink medicine or heal it yourself by using one of those water pumps to the nose. The water should be clean, not like dirty water you'd find under the bridge where people drope their trash, littering is bad for the environment and plastic caused global warming, which makes people turn dark and get falsely called out for Black Facing. Then, they get depressed and think their lives are worthless and commit suicide and then affect other people related to them. The point is, writing is hard and if you don't have the proper motivation, you can't satisfy yourself and the readers leading you to shit there's a cockroach in my room.

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