Just a being who likes to Observe and document events all while pulling the unseen strings of fate.
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I greatly appreciate you taking the time to comment. this made my day, it feels good to see someone enjoying what I create. if you have suggestions, ideas, feelings, or anything, I welcome it and would love to have your input on the series.
Fury would have found out. At least this way, he won't go looking into it and flagging things he shouldn't. it is better to explain it not over a call due to it being overheard, recorded, or anything like that. This is shield, aka hydra, aka nothing is safe, but Fury isn't hydra.
oh trust me, he would be livid to see what he considers his creations with Tsunade...
That will happen later, only a matter of time and RNG. There is still much about Danzo that hasn't been revealed yet, but that is for later.
same here, I binged the chapter and spent the rest of the time responding to comments. Sleep sounds nice 😴 💤
hmm, that would be... interestingly odd, I like the idea, but Shiro doesn't like the smell of smoking... Plus, she would be one of the key creators and if she don't like it... he gonna have to bribe her in some way shape or form... Maybe fixing the legendary mechanic full dive pod? That would be quite the bribe for a game lover... what is better than a real world being used as a game with special abilities that can be used in reality, plus the crazy tech they could bring back...
might guy has weighted sock things, I can only guess they have em, at least something similar. but... on the other hand, they use sandles as a go-to, maybe they don't wear socks?
she.... uses Lye... she knows to keep her eyes shut or she would be blind? At least I am pretty sure that is how that would work.