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  • LeoRegulus

    *content = feeling well, satisfied with the situation. Contempt = disgust, hatred or displeasure towards a person, thing or situation.

    Putting each item in place and the Wall/door mix in place and making sure it was jammed inside there I smiled feelinh contempt after a long time.
    Marvel: System Maker.
    Anime & Comics · Faceless_Prick
  • LeoRegulus
    "What a week, huh?"
    Sussy Baka in MHA
    Anime & Comics · The_Synonym
  • LeoRegulus
    Screams of horror, and then silence.
    Sussy Baka in MHA
    Anime & Comics · The_Synonym
  • LeoRegulus
    Replied to Forseti_0

    i see your facedesk and raise you:

    "What do you mean by a recessive gene? I haven't heard of such things!"
    Sussy Baka in MHA
    Anime & Comics · The_Synonym
  • LeoRegulus
    Replied to Kju

    No horse on Planetos is worthy of the Name of the Lord of all Horses.

    That's why I bought a white one. And named him Stormwind, he's a kinda good match with my blue theme. So when fighting in a war he will become red with blood and that will give him the ability to cause terror.
    Game Of Thrones: A Knight's tale.18+
    TV · Kagetanehiruko
  • LeoRegulus


    Although their level was unmatched among their peers, they still lacked a bit when compared to Death Eater elites like Antonin Delis and Bellatrix Lestrange.
    Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood
    Book&Literature · bobthewriter
  • LeoRegulus

    two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead.

    The most difficult aspect that he was concerned with was the fact that he might end up being discovered as a reincarnate and he hoped his skills were enough to protect himself. As far as he knew, his tutor wouldn't dig into his mind but he'd been assuaged by the fact that his tutor would be swearing an oath not to reveal what he saw. It didn't soothe him as much as it should. One person knowing was already one too many.
    Odyssey of a Mage
    Book&Literature · Mosefboombox117
  • LeoRegulus
    Replied to alphaprince0

    don't i know it

    Finally it was Durmstrangs time to arrive and more than a few people were surprised to see that Hermione was hung off the arm of Krum in a radiant manner. 'She really does clean up nicely.' Nick thought while giving her a grin and a thumbs up. Luna had somehow managed to slip in the hall without anyone noticing despite her wearing a flamboyant pink dress with added flowers and lots of puffy bits. It was just as unusual as it's wearer and Nick approved greatly as it suited her. The only accessory she had on was the bracelet that he had given her previously that allowed her to change her features to a minor extent which she was currently using to keep her hair braided.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • LeoRegulus
    Replied to loskro

    i think it takes six months to make and works for a few hours.

    If it was something politics or money alone could get the potion wouldn't be so tempting but the thing about liquid luck was that nearly every part of it's creation had luck involved. The ingredients were a matter of luck , the conditions were so strict that one needed luck to fulfill them and even if they were met if one was unlucky the potion would fail anyways for seemingly no reason. This meant that not only was it very expensive to even attempt making but required such a high amount of skill that the potioneers who did very rarely sold it afterwards or attempted it a second time after succeeding.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • LeoRegulus
    Replied to RustyBoi

    Nen means water in quenya, one of the elvish languages.

    Soon Dotty returned with what Nick asked for and left after getting thanked. Nick broke roasted the cinnamon sticks from a few moments with his flames to help release the flavor before tossing them into the kettle alongside the fruits and their juices. "Nen!" Luna watched in interest as he did all this as she was starting to figure it out but hadn't even considered such a thing before. Once the kettle was full Nick held it by the handle and rested his other hand underneath it where he created a flame to heat the mixture within. Soon a sweet and fragrant smell filled the air of the workshop as the water came to a boil within the kettle.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • LeoRegulus
    Replied to Vixdraconen

    it's just biology.

    Still Nick wasn't all that interested in such things despite his own teenage body starting to cause him problems in that regard. While everyone else in his year was also hitting growth spurts and taking interest in the opposite sex he had to deal with additional issues. For example the fact that four out of six of his friends were female and his sensitive elven senses bluntly told him when they started their cycles. It was distracting to say the least for him to constantly have to ignore his biological instincts in this regard.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • LeoRegulus
    Replied to Phoenix_Paradise

    the Intent for the Unforgivable Curses is very demanding. you need to have the Desire to cause Incredible Pain for no reason than your own Enjoyment for the Cruciatus, a Want for complete Domination and Subjugation of another person for the Imperius and Hatred so deep that only their Death could satisfy it for the Avada Kedavra. Barty Crouch Jr. in disguise said that even if all the fourth years in Harry's Class hit him with the Avada Kedavra it would only tickle him.

    This was because apparition worked based on the concept of spatial tunneling that involved creating a small tube of magic that flung the wizard from one spot to another based on the coordinates they set. Normally this process would take a period of time to make calculations but thanks to the nature of magic that wasn't necessary so long as the rules of apparition were followed. See magic as a whole had this funny property of remembering spells so that the next time they are used even if it is by a complete idiot they only need the words and wand movements to succeed if there is no intent in the spell.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • LeoRegulus
    Replied to Rogue_Gamer

    you can know where a place is down to the doorstep, but you can't ever find it. the ministry/voldemort posted guards before Grimmauld place during the seventh book.

    Finding nothing missing Nick had Dotty take him to the first stop of this trip . number twelve Grimmauld place. Nick hadn't been to the place himself but Dotty had thanks to the training that house elves get before they serve a master. Every publicly known noble house and the magical district in London is hammered into the house elves heads so they can bring their masters there if need be. The Black ancestral home is one of those that is very well known by the public and thus included in that list.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • LeoRegulus
    Replied to Hk4747

    that's the Eye of Horus.

    Jesseph stood up "If you would please follow me I can show you to the guest accommodations." he said before walking to the right side of the throne that held a stone door that looked almost like decoration if it didn't have gaps. The door had a stylized image of a scarab beetle holding up a flaming orb. Nick recognized this as an Egyptian symbol that represented the god of the sun , Ra. 'I wonder if all mythology was based on the same gods just at different periods?' He wondered while trying to figure out whether or not that would even work.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • LeoRegulus
    Replied to DaoistdtGRWh

    i think it's specifically whithin Nicolas reason and Lucas doesn't matter.

    In this way betrayal is impossible since Nick merely needed to command Lucas to return to his work with a bit of rationalization and he had no choice but to do so. The best part was that this protective mechanism was an incomplete enchantment blended into the others so there was no way to definitively point out that it was there at all. With the ring done Nick now needed to figure out how to get a meeting with a royal clan member. It should be mentioned that there are in fact not a lot of royals alive at the moment since the Tepes clan was very specific about who they turn.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • LeoRegulus
    Replied to RustyBoi

    13 and younger.

    despite this calm period however Nick grew more and more anxious as the end of the month approached as the date of the ritual was coming up. May first or Beltane if preferred was bound to be a momentous occasion for Nick as his mana reserves were going to get a massive boost. He had already set up the ritual circle in the green house of the manor and merely needed to wait for the apportioned time to undergo the ritual. 
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • LeoRegulus

    why not ask dumbledore for a portkey?

    If they led to places in the isles then that would be perfect but he had a sneaking suspicion that this wasn't the case. 'I should probably just put in a request to the ministry for a portkey to Hogsmeade and wait for that then risk it with these things.' Nick decided and turned to look at the strange set of items on the table before him. The first was a full sized suit of seamless clothes that he had enchanted heavily to protect him from cosmic radiation , the cold and the vacuum of space which was irritatingly difficult for him.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • LeoRegulus

    our planet actually gains between 40 to 41 THOUSAND Tons in mass every year through Space dust and other things

    "What do you mean?" Flitwick asked curiously. "The resources I need to expand the space available in this ring is space itself and the material that makes up our own world. Basically the only way to increase the size of this realm is to feed it parts of our own which is as you know is in rather limited quantities." Nick explained helplessly. "Would conjured material work?" Helena asked while casting a spell that summoned a boulder from thin air. When she released it the boulder evaporated and yet no change occurred in the realm save a tiny uptick in mana concentration in the air.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • LeoRegulus
    Replied to GoodKraut

    it helps, they hit the bludgers harder, throw the quaffle faster, can catch it better, have faster reflexes, and in a collision they are coming out on top. the playstyle of slytherin heavily depends on their physical strength as they purposely collide with other players, which is the reason the whole team is made up of the biggest and meanest boys slytherin has.

    Oliver Wood had gone absolutely nuts on training this year after tryouts so the entire team was in peak shape for the game. It wasn't known outside the Gryffindor team but the twins had been making money hand over fist selling the workout potions to the team. This meant that the whole team had far more bang for their buck for all that intense training they did. This was going to be a very nasty surprise for the Slytherin team who was only slightly in shape since school work took up most of their time.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • LeoRegulus
    Replied to LoneWolf_3000

    the Uncharted movie with tom holland

    "Boom!" Assault boats soared into the air, carrying a squad of heavily armed soldiers racing toward the oncoming cruise ship.
    Marvel: The Gene Collector
    Movies · Midnight_Wonder