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bruh.. skipped a chapter
Hmmmm..... then how about RWBY aura, any one that has it can unlock it, you can make MC go to remnant unlock it and give it to izuku then make izuku semblance telekinesis like his mother to reduce suspicion.
How about plant logia? It's a good pun for izuku and very much preferable than the original wielder.
Author i don't wanna be that guy, but staraptor is normal/flying type the fighting/flying type pokemon is hawlucha
I like this type of pokemon fic well at least the better one (grim version of pokemon that is), and it's nice that there is no shite like potential color or something like that (which if there is please don't author, although i will still read it). Thank you author and please keep it up
how about world like honkai or kancolle since technicaly the MC of that world is not exist since they were player
XDDD i'm laughing so much at the oogway palpatine bit. loke imagine master oogway saying if there is a hole there is a goal like this
wait wait wait .... pause... mandragora under pc? bruh respect you include that so this will mean mongirl quest may appear as well?
Oh wow i remember seeing this episode on CD, damnn this make me feel nostalgic
nice plot twist looking forward for it