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  • fabio_lenti

    A path of rich red paver stones led up to the Denoir estate, flanked by thigh-high bushes that were currently blooming with bright blue flowers despite the chill from the mountains. The mansion itself was huge, easily three times the size of the Helstea estate where I had lived in Xyrus, and the grounds around it rivalled the yards of the royal palace from my previous life. After taking a moment to make sure that Regis was still well within range of me, I strode forward. Floating light artifacts began to blink to life throughout the gardens as we approached, bathing the grounds in a soft yellow glow. One of the oversized double doors into the estate opened, and a woman in an ash-gray uniform came rushing out, moving quickly to meet us. Her bright orange hair was pulled up in a bun, just as it had been when I’d seen her outside the Relictombs descension portal. “Lady Caera!” she said warmly, stopping in front of us and bowing. “And Ascender Grey.” She bowed again. “Welcome to the Denoir estate.” “Thank you,” I said, returning her warm smile. “And you would be Nessa, correct?” The woman was clearly surprised, but made an effort to hide it, bowing a third time. “You honor me.” Although her tone was steady, I could just see a red blush spreading onto her cheeks. “No need to be so humble,” I said, gesturing for her to straighten. “Caera expressed that you are half the reason she stayed sane under the highlord and lady’s roof.” Nessa’s blush deepened, and she seemed unsure how to reply. Caera saved her by reaching for the woman’s arm and continuing toward the house. After a few steps, Caera shot a glance back over her shoulder, her expression both playful and scolding. She had prepared me for the evening, telling me everyone’s names and explaining the evening’s protocol, even outlining the likely topics of conversation should her adoptive parents attempt to wrangle me into some political debate. Caera most likely viewed me as some sort of unsociable brute who preferred picking fights with mana beasts to being sociable—and I guess she wouldn’t be entirely wrong—but she didn’t know that I had been a king in my previous life, which had given me years of practice dealing with people like the Denoirs. A few more servants were waiting in the entrance hall. Although most kept their eyes down in a respectful bow, a younger woman glanced a peek only to meet my eyes. I flashed her a polite smile, which she responded with a panicked look before averting her eyes back to the floor. From there, we were led to a posh sitting room. Lavish furniture was arrayed in small groupings throughout the large room, which burst with color, and an entire bar ran along the far wall. Standing at the bar was Lauden Denoir, who I’d met at the culmination of my trial. A woman in a sprawling maroon dress with brilliantly white hair that draped over her shoulders was leaning back in a lounging chair—Caera’s adoptive mother, Lenora Denoir. The blond swordsman, Arian, stood in one corner. Lenora stood gracefully as we entered, practically floating up out of her seat and giving us a well-practiced but welcoming smile. Her eyes took in everything from my boots up to my wheat-blond hair in a single glance, and I could practically see the gears turning behind her perceptive eyes. Nessa bowed and stepped aside. “Lady Lenora of Highblood Denoir. Lady Caera has returned. She brings with her a guest, Ascender Grey.” Then she straightened and backed up so she was nearly pressed against the wall next to the sitting room door, still as a statue. “Please,” Lenora said, gesturing to the closest couch. “Join me and my son for a drink while we wait for my husband. He should be down any moment.” Lauden carried two glasses from the bar, one of which he handed to his mother, then he turned and held out his hand to me. I took it firmly, meeting his eye. “How nice to see you again, Ascender Grey. Or do you prefer professor, now?” His manners were impeccable, but they coul

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    Fantasy · Adam_Stevnson
  • fabio_lenti
    Replied to Rurede

    grazie sei il mio eroe

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    Fantasy · Adam_Stevnson
  • fabio_lenti

    adam have you been banned? for posting the chapters of tbate up to 363?

    Finally back from vacation so I'm posting to the other account again. Sorry for the confusion
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    Fantasy · Adam_Stevnson