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but he used the 10 minutes to complete the seal on the blade, he didn't just make it from nothing, his knowledge on natural energy is close to 0, so you expect him to just not complete an incomplete seal, but to enhance it in the process?
Kotoamatsukami was never seen to be used in naruto, ever, what danzo used was izanagi
no you stupid he dosen't have understanding of natural energy he just completed the seal on his blade
you can argue he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, nor the biggest, nor the shinnest, nor the most useful, he's that stupid screwdriver thats just not fit for anything.
you fkin stupid?, you think madara only has 1 brother?
cause they've been influnced by the sage practicing senjitsu
not really, the third raikage was the strongest raikage, and i belive he would be extremely stronger than hiruzen, the 3rd fought the 8 tailed beast, and put it to the ground, hiruzen was baiscly useless in almost all things.
welp tbh, fish is just extremely better than chicken, and even better than red meat , you've just eaten not so good fish?