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This is the type of protagonist that is described as a demon, and keep smilling like a psycopath, but then he is too scared to kill murderers and rapist that try to kill him, because killing is a line that he wont cross... oh, but we will have 10 lines describing how the villains saw the MC as a devil.
Why sell the point that he has the moral of Sukuna, but then he does nothing against people trying to kill him?
When he came to earth he defeated like 30 Shield agents. A Shield agent could probably defeat the mountain using modern martial arts. So yeah, this is bullshit.
Remember that they are escaping from cosmic monster. Also, these are modern western women.
This nerf is stupid. Is this an AU? Like when you face the Boss vs when you unlocked him as a character? Because Toph with 12 years could clear the floor with all the Dai Li. Azula with 14 was stronger than an Avatar with 2 elements and a half. But now they had problems with some random Dai Li. This will be like Korra? That get nerfed in every fight against random, even if at the end of the day she always wins. If you want to make this is great, just not expect us to believe that a Toph with 12 years can rival with even Mai, or that Katara can become the strongest water bender in just one year.
So he forgot about the Greyjoys attacking Winterfel in a year or two? And Ramsey Bolton after? Winterfel is not a safe place...
She is probably dead, i mean, even for her it would be hard to survive that situation.
I mean, he starts very young and stupid. He is another person when he comes back to the ASOIAF world after his travel. Just then he starts playing the game of thrones.
I mean, he was all the time moking them, even doing rap3 jokes towards Maggie.
This is a valid point. By the same token, just know that I've already written over 80 chapters of the story, and I'm 90% sure that I'm going to finish everything that is the ASOIAF arc. The next big arcs will be One Piece and Marvel/DC, and there I really can't tell you. I'll try to make ASOIAF pretty conclusive anyway.