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moon pie...paimon...oh my gosh!
she's a flying emergency food, an almost extinct race from ancient times. legend says gods used to feast on them, they are apparently a divine delicacy
i prefer quiet and chill girls, guess I'm not a man then...who knew?
seriously, when did he meet them? did i skip some chapters?
huh? when did mc met them? tsuna and scath i mean
there are other ways for that go cause chaos in the world. not just overpowered oc. like giving afo more quirks, more powerful nomu, and in the manga doctor invented something that makes tomura as strong as all might, he could just make it so the doctor finished it much earlier. and tho the process of enhancing tomura was interrupted, he still managed to overpower izuku who was at 45% if i remember it correctly. also, the author decided to add a character from naruto, I'm just biased about this tho since i don't like it, it takes away mc's uniqueness. and also, you mentioned that there are at least two oc's who are at all might's level. how strong was all might? let's see, a weakened, and restricted all might damaged an entire street from the air pressure of his punch alone. when he fought nomu, he was already way past his limit, and was greatly weakened, but he was still able to keep up with it and you know, he even said that in his prime it would only taken 5 punches to defeat it. in this story, i don't why, but i think all might was pretty much nerfed. anyway, i already dropped it so meh
I already plan on it. Thanks for the suggestions tho
it should be, but i changed it, i lost all motivations in rewriting chap 34 so...
no, what i meant was izuku can hit at one hundred percent without breaking his body, it doesn't take a away the strain of having too much power than his body can handle. the reason why izuku breaks his arms is because of the impact. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. That’s why car crashes are so dangerous. The speed of the moving car isn’t the problem, it’s the sudden and violent change from go to stop. When you ram into a wall at 60mph, from a physics perspective, the wall might as well have rammed into you at the same velocity. his armor absorbs the feedback of the force of his punch, therefore nullifying the damage done to his body. It was also because of this that izuku didn't break his arms when he punched that nomu, because of its shock absorption
It's a good read, but it just not for me. I hate having too many OC's, for me that ruins a story, especially if you make them OP or strong just so the MC can struggle a little since he became too strong. I just don't understand the appeal to it. It's quite good though. Oh, and I don't understand how did that Glitch villain invaded the festival when pretty much most Heroes in Japan are gathered there. And the barrier, how strong was that barrier to be able to withstand All Might's punch which can probably destroy an entire district just from air pressure alone.