The Woodcutter's Billionaire Son
“I can see through the walls of time but even I could not see both ends of the string. Who can say which is first to wake up at dawn among the hen and the cockerel? Who amongst us knows which sleeps the earliest among the two in the evening? Is it not just the ‘crow’ and the ‘cluck’ that the mortal ears hear? When the clouds gather, we perceive rain but what happens if the rains did not come? Only the gods know what was before and what the end holds. My horizon ends at the feet of the gods oh king of Adako.” The wise one responded.
“Tell me o wise one! What then do you see?” Kaleta retorted.
“I see the Cheetah thinking itself a squirrel, gold mixed with dirt and a tear in the wind being patched with a needle.” He responded.
William_Kortse_K · Realistic