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of reading
Read books
ohhhh nice
can he do stuff like sukuna? you know sending invisible slashes
will if you think about it like that then yeah I guess but honestly Gotham is still more f up for me because of the shear amount of psychological trauma you might develop and killing the joker would just get you on the wrong side of batman and if you do something to batman the justice league is coming for your ass but if I like let's say have an overpowered power that's overpowered enough to destroy superman or flash will I won't really care if I'm in Gotham or anywhere for that matter
Will I'll admit there are times like that but if you would think about it compared to the other cities it's definitely at least the safest.
Memories crashed into me like a tidal wave. Two lifetimes. Four sets of experiences, thoughts, and emotions, all trying to exist at the same time. I remembered dying. Or at least... leaving my old world behind. I remembered being the Hero of Heroes. I remembered mastering magic and my alien side. And I remembered growing up here. Fifteen years of normalcy—birthdays, school, family vacations—all of it felt real yet fake at the same time, like watching a long, detailed movie where I was somehow both the audience and the main character. go back to chapter 2(or school) and as I quote read properly.
he got the memories and experiences for all the 4 lives which includes Ben 10k which just means he did fought them because he pretty much lived those 4 lives
someone not reading right
isn't this how the flash travel to other earths?
will he have access to Alien-X?
ohhhh hell yeah let's go