


❝I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can find in books❞ qyla | she | ♎︎

2021-06-24 JoinedMalaysia



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Vermillion - Fight Academy

After she severely physically and emotionally abused by her father, Bree decides to leave the house and turns into a fighter in order to prove to her father that she's not weak or vulnerable wrack but a strong and powerful survivor. ***** Seventeen-year-old Bridget Haynes has been experienced all of it over the past years, Grief– Pain– Heartbreak– Suffer. That’s when one night she decided to risk her life in order to become stronger and not vulnerable by running away from home to attend the Vermillion Academy that was built precisely to create first-class assassins, technical engineers – hackers, and even intellectual physicians. And yet, the cruel world unfortunately still keeps on continuing to throw hurdles in her winding path on becoming a stronger Bree. While she began to be strong to stand on her own two feet and facing her fears head-on, she started to discover the dark secret of the academy untold truth headmaster, and how she started to catch up with her past again when her new academy friends put her in the most tremendous danger she ever had in her life. Damage & Heal. Betrayal & Loyal. Misery & Pleasure. Love & Hate. War & Peace. All these keep her from moving on but she still wants more of these things cause they teach her that “Pain and struggle shapes a woman into a warrior itself”. These things are also teaching her to keep going and never give up because everyone goes through it which is why she will keep on fighting all the obstacles that get in her way. She will WIN, – someday.

qylxrzk · Urban
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3 Chs