


"The capability of a person to overcome any obstacle through their pure determination alone is the one who can truely be called the strongest." - Yuuya Mitsukuji

2021-06-21 JoinedGlobal



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Is It Wrong To Be An Apostle In A Dungeon?

Apostles... They are considered the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ or the creator of all But what if one day all of them suddenly turned their back against their creator and decided to join Satan? Yes... Satan one of the rulers of hell and was also the enemy of the creator Jesus himself Was it for power? Was it for wealth? Was it for fame? Was it for pleasure? Why? Why did the twelve apostles suddenly turned their back to their creator? You may ask your self about that but only the twelve original apostles know the answer why The twelve apostles served Satan for millennials and have their royalty to only Satan This continues for generation to come until one day... The descendent of the first and most powerful apostle decided that what they are doing are wrong Him being treated like a traitor despite him knowing the truth why they're ancestors serve Satan has decided to stop this once and for all Together with his son who also knows the truth massacres the entire generation of apostles including their own generation and the twelve original apostles who cannot even fight back now because they're power has been weaken due to old age Satan enraged by the betrayal of the two decided to kill them by his own hands Satan is successful at first but was pushed back little by little until he is no longer capable of fighting back The two was about to finish Satan... Until Satan self destructs killing him in the process The father protected his son from harm taking the damage head on But before the his father's die he makes a one final wish for his son And it was to locate Satan's soul and make sure it never reconstruct itself With the dying wish of his father he continues to search for the soul of Satan to make sure it never recovers His search finally stops when he found city of Orario in one of the universe he travels into With his search finally done he has decided to rest while also watching the generation of what he called "The Generation Of Hero"

_Krid_ · Anime & Comics
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