The Ascension of The Champion
The being is the champion that was trained by Individuals who are stronger than the gods and other beings throughtout the omniverse. The man was created by this unknown forces to train him to become their champion.
The man already train, study, built, fight and more. He was trained by this unknown forces but he can't beat his teachers no matter how much he trains his body, mind and soul.
The champion have fought many beings throught dimensions and omniverse. He wins and He loses, he fight gods, aliens, giants, elves, warp reality beings and other races throught the omniverse.
The champion of the unknown forces send him to the planet called earth after the catastrophe the earth and humanity have faced.
He was send to earth to find a tower that humans, gods, aliens and other cosmic beings don't know. This tower was built specifically only for him.
The tower can grant him anything, whether It's power, money, women, knowledge, fame, glory, and more.
He is now getting a new journey alone and tried to keep a low profile, don't get any attention, don't get any spotlight, and don't tell anybody who he truly is and keep everthing a secret about this world.
He was also sent to earth to kill many people called The Protagonist.
Odin_Eikon · Anime & Comics