

2021-06-07 JoinedGlobal

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  • Israel_Silva_2654
    Israel_Silva_265416 hours ago
    Replied to Israel_Silva_2654
  • Israel_Silva_2654
    Israel_Silva_26544 days ago

    Why would students of the general studies course be present at the day and location of the heroes' curse practical exam?

  • Israel_Silva_2654
    Israel_Silva_26549 days ago
    Replied to Israel_Silva_2654

    If I had to change something from the get go, I'd make the first bad guy die on the spot after using his quirk. "Yes, he was hopping to maybe use his quirk to transfer his conscience into a perfected body tailor made for him, but he overestimated himself and failed, paid with his life. Megumi would wake up with the guy fried there a couple steps away from her. No there is no bad guy out there trying to get Anakin. Yes, his presence will affect the plot, here is how:" That sort of thing. And that my ranting, thanks.

  • Israel_Silva_2654
    Israel_Silva_26549 days ago
    Replied to Israel_Silva_2654

    You've been too short with his relationship with Nejire (Mirio not so much, but there are inconsistencies that I find in the whole wardrobe malfunction jokes) A little more slice of life, more time spent together, like when he was a child with his mother, that felt great! Yeah, you said that they spent time together, he even visited her home, but you showed nothing of it, so as far as we the readers are concerned, it didn't happen. Hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I think you failed to merge both universes, just transplanting the core of "Anakin Skywalker" into the BNHA world. What I really like to see in a fanfic, and what I consider worthwhile is how introducing certain elements will affect the plot and characters involved, just watching a replay of Darth Vader's background play in another setting is tedious and unrealistic.

  • Israel_Silva_2654
    Israel_Silva_26549 days ago

    Alright! (Doing this in a comment instead of in a review because I need more to finalize my opinion) I think that Obi-Wan is the voice the evil scarred man talked to, he just knew too much about how to guide Anakin in here, that or you failed miserably at inserting a credible character and just copy pasted it from star wars. I'm just not buying the whole situation and the possible bad guy's plan. Anakin's corruption took many factors, both influence from the Sith and MULTIPLE failures on the Jedi front, and I mean a fuckton of fuckups, starting with his mother. I just can't buy that he will be influenced like that, having been raised in a loving family. (The thing with his 'father' not withstanding.)

  • Israel_Silva_2654
    Israel_Silva_26549 days ago
    Replied to Aditya_Rai_5059

    Yeah, I'd hate that, I really don't wanna see the whole Darth Vader charade in this.

  • Israel_Silva_2654
    Israel_Silva_26549 days ago
    Replied to Israel_Silva_2654

    Nvm, just read the bit about "clean uniforms". That one can sustain my suspension of disbelieve.

  • Israel_Silva_2654
    Israel_Silva_26549 days ago

    I like the gag about Mirio's uniforms, but they just stay there when he phases, whats stopping him from just picking it up and put it on again?

  • Israel_Silva_2654
    Israel_Silva_26549 days ago

    Kenji is a little prick, he is just jealous that his quirk is less than useless. "Look, I'm a walking social media profile picture filter, yep thats the whole thing, I change colors, not even something useful like a chameleon."