


A mere mortal mongral who dares to look at me...? Interesting...surprise me, for I am not dumb like my other unworthy halves, if you die too quickly I will go to Kur myself...Enuma Elish

2021-06-03 JoinedGermany

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  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to sangster21

    But this is realistic, imagine you are in his situation, you have your own army, helicopters, airplanes, battleships and control over a whole island in a post apocalyptic world. You have practically the strongest force at the moment and even if you don't, you're at the level that the CRM won't underestimate you (don't forget that they're basically a military alliance of three recaptured cities and you'd own Los Angeles in no time xD Also don't forget the submarine, he would have the CRM under his balls ) If even he's not allowed to live out his achievement(s) as a young master, no one should get even arrogant at this times haha

    Ch 82 A Decision Can Change Things
    Fear the Walking Dead: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
    TV · SrCuervo
  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to Aditya_Sharma_6664

    Harry Potter

    Ch 1 chapter 1 [ meeting god and wishes ] < rewrite >
    journey to multiverse a tensura fanfic
    Anime & Comics · Aditya_Sharma_6664
  • AlterGilgamesh
    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Mixed worlds: Link Start
    Anime & Comics · Kakarot1809
  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to Tanglongrj

    I can't explain it myself, but it's just the way it is, that's why the world ended so quickly there, because they simply didn't know how to deal with the “undead”! I personally think that they knew about it but never went into it any further, at least that they never did anything more than dismiss it as an old legend and forget about it over time, like myths and mythical creatures today, some of which are hardly known or not known at all because nobody is interested in them

    Ch 68 The Colony of Renewal
    Fear the Walking Dead: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
    TV · SrCuervo
  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to Tanglongrj

    Because the concept of the undead doesn't exist in TWD, they know about it but no one cares, there are no movies, no research, no questioning, the only thing that should be known as “undead” there are vampires, but the walking dead/zombies are not a thing there

    Ch 68 The Colony of Renewal
    Fear the Walking Dead: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
    TV · SrCuervo
  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to sixpathsofsimp

    never saw something from Yang Kai here xD

    " Gay "
    The Outcast ( DxD Fanfic )
    Anime & Comics · Kinshu_War
  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to MaliciousPrince

    isnt that Solomon

    Erebus >
    Mythological Tales – Ruler of the Golden Order
    Book&Literature · MaliciousPrince
  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to AlterGilgamesh

    I take back my statement xD, but the author is confusing me with the term extremly xD

    Item: Mystic Eye of Distortion (Lino Doue) (System Adaptation Lite)
    Highschool DxD: I have a Dimensional Travel System
    Anime & Comics · heavenlydawn_
  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to Arcguile_Renzig

    Author probably made a mistake, as the Mystic Eyes of Distortion come from the anime “Garden of Sinners”, a spin-off from the numerous Fate anime's and are used by the girl Fujino Asagami... You can actually tell from the name “Mystic Eyes”, at least that's how I would interpret it! If other eyes are meant, please enlighten me

    Item: Mystic Eye of Distortion (Lino Doue) (System Adaptation Lite)
    Highschool DxD: I have a Dimensional Travel System
    Anime & Comics · heavenlydawn_
  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to Efthee

    Well with his Mythic Eyes he must be at least a “human”, at super-devil level if not at high god level, but in the end an ability says nothing about your strength, it doesn't bring an upgrade in magic ability or other strength either! So his current strength fits quite well, because to use his eyes properly you also need your own strength to be able to cut the lines at all!

    Strength Assessment: The comprehensive strength can reach the level of low-class devil
    Highschool DxD: I have a Dimensional Travel System
    Anime & Comics · heavenlydawn_
  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to Umbra_Khan

    Give me the eyes of death perception and the power of Hassan, Gil or any of the Arturia versions and I'll tell you I will become the most arrogant young master you've ever seen in DxD ahahaahahahahaaha

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Highschool DxD: I have a Dimensional Travel System
    Anime & Comics · heavenlydawn_
  • AlterGilgamesh

    I only accept if she has a human (or rather humanoid) form, so...ehmm...hehe

    Giratina released a slight screech before lowering her head. (Yes I refer to Giratina as female fight me.) I jumped onto her back Giratina spread her wings and roared creating a portal and she flew through. Emerging on the other side we were in the air.
    Solo Leveling: The Absolute
    Anime & Comics · TheKeneticLord5
  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to Legionsbane

    Yuno Gasai flashbacks

    "Who are those skanks!?!" Nurse Joy snarled as she watched the three whores hang all over HER Ace, making her accidentally break her pen out of frustration.
    Pokemon: Arceus' Champion
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to GoddessAlbedo

    Yes, but the world is realistic, even a Fire Pokemon can burn a Water Pokemon into coal if it's strong enough! And just for the record, Scyther is an insect with a normal exoskeleton, it's just fast and has sharp scythes... One blow to the chest and the area is completely crushed, flattened or punctured, and so it would be dead haha And that's not even with a battle Pokemon, imagine that now with a Riolu xD

    "Scyyyyyy!" The Scyther cried out as it appeared opposite of Riolu, looking down at him with contempt.
    Pokemon: Arceus' Champion
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to Sasa_Ihab

    It was probably Latias or Latios, since both have the ability to shapeshift, and are subordinate to Arceus...

    "It wasn't. But the day before we departed a young man came to my lab and gave it to me, asking to take it with me to Kanto. Naturally we ran some tests on it first to make sure it wasn't anything dangerous, and only then packed it into the crate with us when we began our journey."
    Pokemon: Arceus' Champion
    Others · Harry_Dresden
  • AlterGilgamesh
    Replied to Jazpex

    My man doesn't know what Rizz is? (If you do know, ignore the following: “Rizz” is basically a pick-up line, which doesn't have to come in the form of words, your “pick-up line” can just be your presence, your charisma and so to say your aura on the girl! Basically, you attract her with yourself and are simply convincing, I think the best way to compare it is simply to have successfully approached a girl, “I've sizzled her up”. In the example of the story, he burns a lasting “good” impression on her!

    'damn, at this rate i might actually fall in love with her, i guess that her and Ash really are soulmates in most universes. You know what? Maybe i can get a bit bold, and "speed up" the process a bit. Time to cook~' Kyle thought as he then gave Serena a smirk, giving her his current best rizz face, making her blush madly before she looked away, not realizing that she pulled him a bit closer.
    Pokemon: Tweaked Travels
    Video Games · Yuishiro
  • AlterGilgamesh

    A baby pokemon that was probably near Zaptos and survived the incident? Even if I never liked the Shinx Evolve-line, I would take it with me...

    "As you already pointed out, Ash, the Shinx you're holding isn't a normal breed. I found her near the Power Plant barely conscious and with an enormious amount of electricity flowing inside her body, way too much for various electric-types to handle without dying or getting permanent damage, i'm talking about stuff that even a Magneton or a Raichu wouldn't be able to handle without ending up unconscious and half dead.
    Pokemon: Tweaked Travels
    Video Games · Yuishiro
  • AlterGilgamesh

    I would probably take the stupidest option and just release the Pokemon and try to show it that we are “equal”, because for me there is no greater bond than trusting someone with your life... If I die in the process, then so be it, but then I can say that I tried my best... (I'd rather die proud than die like a bastard who died at the hands of a Pokemon that didn't accept its master). And I strongly assume that “baby” pokemon also have intelligence, and if they see what their trainer is doing, I can well imagine that their defense against you would drop if necessary, and training would become easier! The best bond is one that is free and based on trust, not forced!

    muy bien reclutas yo se que están ansiosos de empezar a entrenar a sus pokemons como lo está por cobrar una prostituta la cual tuvo una sesión de dos horas de sexo anal, pero para que esos pokemons les obedezcan deben establecer el vínculo y cómo se hace eso se preguntaran abortos de la naturaleza pues bien, fíjense que en la parte de atrás de su pokeball tiene una pequeña tarjeta incrustada como si fuera el chip de un teléfono celular saquenlo
    pokemon proyecto hoen
    Fantasy · DaoistnGSoz5
  • AlterGilgamesh

    I still don't understand how Gardevoir dosnt count as a demigod Pokemon, since it easily has the abilities to do so, and its strength can be huge accordingly... If a Pokemon that can create Black Hole´s doesn't count as a demigod, which other Pokemon is worthy of this title besides the Dragon Pokemon? (The only explanation I find plausible is the difficulty of evolving his Ralts into a powerful, extremely hot Gardevoir due to the limitations of the bond between Pokemon and Trainer if the latter has bad intentions-Ralts and thus Gardevoir are among the most sensitive Pokemon of all).

    ajaja los unicos que saben donde estan los centros son los transportadores que trabajan en el departamento de logistica, ellos usan pokemons psíquicos como abra, ralts, drowzee y otros no son los más poderosos pero son ideales para usar teletransportación y mover gente entre las distintas bases
    pokemon proyecto hoen
    Fantasy · DaoistnGSoz5
  • AlterGilgamesh

    He has Excalibur but not Ea xD? Ea is on a completely different level of strength, but he should be able to make this “sword”?

    Solo Leveling: The Absolute
    Anime & Comics · TheKeneticLord5