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DAMN Just finished this novel after a long long time, Although i hoped for there to be a part two or something for t his novel this was amazing read and what i would not give for me to read it again as a new novel......... OK DAMN I have no words what to say ......
no almost dead state.
I think I would like merch.
I think its high time author actually gave yuan some common sense. Please author i really like the novel but this is a bit too much its like he is 5 year old with 18 year old body.............
i love his first thoughts are not about how or where he is abt abt some other person who lost his father. honestly respect.
I really liked this novel really different from other novels but the thing I would I have changed is that people adapt to the situation a bit too easily.
Would not expect anything less from my dude.
Bro 'treasure makes an innocent man guilty' ever heard of it. Cant blame them that they don't know about his strength and get f*ced becuz of it.
I cant mentally grasp where is this story going now???
WHY did you have to kill them off?!!??!?!!!