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  • EpicBean
    Replied to Ezzy_E

    Good question, most of the reason I had for it was they didn't know a massive threat was coming so they didn't have time to prepare. A lot of what Atlas, Gojo and Geto's friendship is, is trying to best and beat each other. For Geto he felt that it was set him apart from Atlas and Gojo making him 'special' when compared to those two monsters. So a bit of rivalry and jealousy among not knowing that they might need it added up into it being his trump card.

    He would let Sukuna emerge in the hopes that Kenjaku would reveal himself once his trump appeared, maybe he already had made contact with the spirits that Geto was hunting. So he should still feel the pressure.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to Emibm2468

    I did think about that. But I personally liked the idea of as he progressed more he cleared the first trials much faster, not only that but his attitude and way of clearing them would change throughout the story as he developed. This would also mean that he doesn't have to figure out new easy trials over and over but get back to the hard ones he is trying to clear. If the trials changed as well why would he think he was going back and restarting? He could have just failed that trial and then moved to new less difficult ones. By having the same ones the phycological burden of know you are going back to the start over and over is an interesting factor. This is all my reasoning at least why I think it makes it more interesting!

    [Everytime MC dies he goes back to the start of the trials. He has to clear 'goals' in order to get to the next 'level' although he isn't told what those are. Although he doesn't loose his abilities changes to himself when he starts again. If he learnt magic and gained mana, he would have that when he started from the first trial onwards. The trials don't change, they are always the same but as he starts over and over he gets further and further. But is there even an end? No system. Not really sure about the name, feel free to give suggestions if you have any.]
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to Grey1

    I do agree that people can subconsciously defend there soul. Especially against a new and weak technique like Hoshi would have had. But I also thought at the same time they are his parents and would have trusted him. They wouldn't have defended themselves subconsciously because they had no concern about there son. He was there son after all.

    "He tricked Stacy and Hikaru and acted friendly. His appearance shocked them and they let their guards down. When he introduced himself to Hoshi… he used his technique to control him. He made him destroy his parent's souls killing them both instantly. A soul isn't something that you can really defend… so they couldn't fight back." Atlas said with a steady voice.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to roblester00

    But just so people can know the timeline so they will know when everything gets back on track: 63 is the last chapter that will have flashback scenes in it. 64 Everything gets wrapped up and prepared for the time skip. And the time skip itself happens at the start of chapter 65 to the year when Yuji joins. (May 2018 One month before he has a finger snack)

    Ch 62 Moving Forward
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to Axill1

    True, thank you. I'll fix that now.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to Tyler_Henline_7485

    They are don't worry. All relations in my FF are going to be straight unless canon character is directly stated otherwise and it is already canonical. Also as of current MC may not have relationship but romance between other couples will be written.

    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to Drunken_Sleeper

    Soon, not too soon however. Frank and Joben's pasts are further explored in upcoming chapters. After that and the aftermath of what Atlas finds out there will be another time skip to the start of the Manga or a bit after. Thanks for the question!

    Ch 54 Father and Son
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to _Axys_

    Its right now 2008. At least I am fairly sure, I'll double check my notes when I can and update this if I am wrong.

    Nodding his head that all made sense to Atlas. Yuji was born in 2003, March to be exact. After that Kenjaku must have taken a new body, Jobens, and started to further his influence in Society using his older brother as a foothold.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to _Axys_

    Yeah I think I had one when I wrote it to be honest... Even I don't know what was happening. I don't even know how that made it through editing.

    "It would be best if you just don't mention this to anyone. It's clear you know nothing about what was going on down there but if people find out you do know even something is down there you better get you and your family out of this country as fast as you can." Toji said, making most of it up.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to PrimorDious

    Thanks! I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying it! I personally struggle with character development so its awesome so hear that people are liking it. You're welcome, thanks for reading!

    Ch 48 Yuki Tsukumo
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to jotaro_kujo_5443

    True. When Gojo sees Atlas' powers in effect it is more so that he sees the slight distortion of space that is made across dimensions. Since at least how I am doing it in this fanfic. Time and Space are the two things that are consistent across dimensions the further away from the 'original' plane you are however the less the distortion shows. So later in the fic Gojo is seeing the slight distortion of space as his powers increase and he is able to notice the incredibly subtle changes.

    Watching carefully how the boy reacted he couldn't help but grin when he saw the boy's eyes widen, his glasses having been blown off already. Clearly not having expected to see the two of them pop out of the air in front of him. The six eyes couldn't see through dimensions. That was fantastic.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to I_am_Inevitable

    Thanks for the review! I do agree that Atlas does tend to overexplain sometimes, but he also wants people to understand and work with him instead of just being all mysterious. One thing I find annoying about some media is how simple problems could be solved with a bit better communication. Maybe I lean into that a bit to much, so thank you for the feedback on that! As for Frank, yes it is convenient how he comes across Frank, but that is further explored as it wasn't just 'chance' that made it happen. Thanks for reading and I am glad you are enjoying it!

    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to Monsieur_Dreamer

    Thanks for the review and feedback! I do agree that the timeline isn't perfect. I am following one I found online but to be honest my main goal here is to right a fun fanfic, not perfectly portray the source material. As for Toji, this was before all the events that would have really changed him in canon. He hadn't even met his second wife yet or left the Zenin clan. But I do see what you are saying and perhaps it could have been done a bit better. I do find that something I need to work on is portraying characters closer to there source material. As for what he is doing 'trying to be cool,' he still has the memories of his past life. He is just doing what he knows really to feel more comfortable in a new body and a new world at the same time trying to find who he is again. Thanks for reading and thanks for the feedback!

    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to OMNIPOTENCE_15

    Thanks for the review and the feedback! I do agree that in the start Atlas is far to focused on Geto, In Atlas' mind Geto is the only key to Kenjaku's plans and hyper-focuses thinking that it is the only way he can make a difference. While wrong he hasn't learnt yet how Kenjaku really works. And I do overword sometimes... the start of my last fic was pretty terrible haha. I am trying to work on it. Thanks for the feedback!

    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to T_Gold

    I do agree, Hollow Purple is meant to be the sure hit one shot. And it is. Against Atlas barely anyone can do anything to even hit him when he hides in another dimension. Apart from Gojo, HP destroys what it touches and that means that it shatters the dimensions that Atlas is hiding in forcing a rift to form that 'forces' Atlas onto the real plane. Hopefully that makes sense. Also, on top of all of this Atlas wanted to be caught and 'killed,' he wasn't really trying to defend against HP fully like he was doing in the last fight. He needed to be defeated so he let himself suffer from attacks that wouldn't normally have been able to hit him. Even if HP breaks dimensions Atlas still wouldn't be forced out of them, it would be like removing a few layers of an onion. Gojo would need a really strong attack to get through all the dimensions. For more detail if anyone cares as for how the powers of Atlas and Gojo interact: Gojo's powers manipulate space, space is one thing that is connected through dimensions just as time is. However, it is distorted. The further away from the 'original' plane that Gojo is on the harder it is for powers over space to effect Atlas since the more space is distorted. So while his attacks can have effect, it is greatly diminished and harder to aim. It does make cracks in the dimensional barriers however if Gojo uses enough power potentially creating opportunities for things to slip through. I hope this all makes sense. Thanks for the question!

    Seeing more spirits converge onto Frank Atlas teleported in front of him and grabbed him trying to teleport out again but was hit by a wave of Hollow Purple that threw him to the floor, surrounding Frank with his body as he tried to protect him from the attacks that slammed into him over and over.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to _Axys_

    Even if he changes the location that he is hiding Frank the Higher-Ups and Kenjaku would still do everything they could to make him a curse-user. They just want to get rid of him and any excuse they can get without making it look like there forcing out there strongest sorcerer would be welcome. Hopefully that makes sense.

    Things just got a lot more complicated.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to T_Gold

    I do, I hope that it is properly explained in the next chapter!

    Ch 43 Time to Act
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to SEEKER

    Thank you!

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to Lord_Shiva_

    We will see, I don't plan on picking anyone right now but it is coming as soon as the arc changes. Some things are already happening in the latest chapters I have written that I need to edit. If you have any ideas for romance other than Mei Mei and Yuki please do say though.

    Ch 42 Unexpected Ally
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean
  • EpicBean
    Replied to MageOfAvalon

    Not exactly. Hoshi wasn't brought back by someone cursing him or him cursing someone else. His technique is able to effect the souls of people in a way and using it, even when he 'died' he was able to save himself and let Atlas give him form in another plane of existence using one of his reflections as the base state. Hence why Hoshi can't stay in the original plane. Thanks for the question!

    Ch 38 Technique
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional
    Anime & Comics · EpicBean