Knowledge and awareness are vague, and perhaps better called illusions. Everyone lives within their own subjective interpretation
of reading
Read books
Now if only they had been as good parents as they are here being grandparents. Maybe less of their kids would’ve died and by less I mean perhaps most if not all of them
Valid ahh author
Vermithor Silverwing Balerion (even if my poor boy was locked in a pit for forty years neglected enduring animal abuse)
Poetic ahh author
Yeah bro if your moms name is ever Alysanne, Run! This bitch got everyone one of the kids she tried to marry off killed be it directly or indirectly as a result of her actions and inactions, the only kid that didn’t die that she married off was Daemon and even than it was such a horrible match Daemon literally killed the woman and no child ever came about from it making it a 15 year+ waste anyway.
Alyssa dear, I love you but please don’t try to make your sister being sold off as a living womb a good thing. If the conquerors, like everyone on Planetos, weren’t infected with the stupidity virus since their births till deaths, and the conquest was conducted in a more controlled manner over a longer period of time she wouldn’t need to be sold off at all. Alas you live in a world where common sense is unironically a magic non have mastered
Those are her “mommies”
Well that’s a bit harsh and over dramatic from Harry himself not to mention just kinda dumb. Assuming this is the real Aegon, son of Rhaegar then it’s in no way his fault that he doesn’t have a bond with Jon, hardly anyone knows Jon exists as Rhaegars child. Also completely ignoring the fact Aegon was a literally baby when the rebellion began and ended and is currently in hiding because of the mountains of mistakes of others not his own. This is like blaming a random guy for not paying child support for a kids he’s never even met, it’s just dumb. Like I get what Harry’s trying to say here but this logic is so assbackwards you’d think you just rolled into hill Billy town
Laaaaame ah dad