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  • Garry_462222

    Could she create her own cold places?

    {Chione's Blessing (Novice): Spells and Ritual Circles related to the Ice Domain are stronger; mana regenerates quicker while in cold places}
    My Servant System
    Fantasy · Ketsueki_Hasu
  • Garry_462222

    You don't tho, you have the potential to very easily achieve a nearly unlimited lifespan within the time you have currently available, but you don't yet.

    Now the problem was different. He had a never ending lifespan. What was he supposed to do now? He had a headache thinking of this. He changed his question a little and thought, what did he like to do?
    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Garry_462222

    So you don't want a sense of accomplishment?

    Lith wasn't like that. He didn't consider himself as a saint. He had all the fame and fortune ever since he was born, why would he stupidly work hard and achieve the same thing he already had. What benefit was there to be a morally good person? It was nothing but a load of crap and farce for people who liked playing hero and feel themselves to be superior by accomplishing things on their own.
    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Garry_462222

    Honestly if Lilith had the means to do so and didn't have her kids she might just do this herself to get a kick out of it. Not exactly a villain, just REALLY bored.

    "Interesting. His unique ability sure is powerful. Now, what sort of chaos will you create, 'hero'?"
    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Garry_462222

    why are you insulting the people who do the work you don't want to?

    "You are still a baby to me, dear. Mom will be worried if you are stressed due to her negligence. So I had to ask. You know I can dump all the work onto those useless subordinates and you can be free."
    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Garry_462222

    Wow, no wonder why people are afraid of them.

    Most Vampires need to drink blood frequently or they may lose control and go crazy or worst case, die. They thus live most of their time having the thirst to drink blood and this thirst causes their eyes to turn red. The nobles or stronger ones do not have such strong thirst and thus their eyes are not red. These Vampires who live constantly with this thirst, after a period of time, have their eyes take on a permanent red colour.
    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Garry_462222

    shouldn't you use some kind of disguise magic then to at least cover up the 2 potential dead giveaways of your identity?

    Except noble Vampires who have strong bloodlines or some strong Vampires, everyone has red eyes. It is a trait of being a Vampire. The noble ones do have red eyes too but that is only during a battle or when they are in rage. Colour other than red is a trait of only nobles and strong Vampires.
    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Garry_462222

    If there's no traits from the father's at all whatsoever then they wouldn't even need the sperm. This is just cloning with an extra step. I mean, I suppose they need the father for the other half of the biological material, but if none of it is being used then this really is just cloning with an extra step.

    So around a thousand years back, Agalea and Lilith found two good candidates for fertilizing their eggs. The Witch Queen Mother said that because of using her tools, there would not be any characteristic of the man's side and the baby be it male or female would have all it's characteristics like the mother. As long as the semen is healthy and potent, any man can be used and their rank doesn't matter much, she said. Lilith and Agalea, on not wanting to take any chances kidnapped two Supreme rank beings, collected their seeds, first fertilized their eggs and after ensuring that it was successful, killed them both. Just like that two Supreme ranks were killed a thousand years ago and nobody even realised.
    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Garry_462222

    How can they tell?

    "Shut up idiots! The moon isn't gone, it is just covered due to her majesty opening her wings."
    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Garry_462222

    Ok, there's literally no reason for wings to be this large ever. First the connecting tissue with the body would have to be strong enough to withstand both the weight and force created by flapping the wings, then the wings (which seem to be natural) would have to be made of some material and a part of the body since they can retract. It seems like they manifest, that's not something I would call natural.

    Lith eyes went wide as he looked at his sister's wings in shock. It was huge! Her wings extended who knows how long and wide but they were huge! He looked at his side and at Lucy's backside but he couldn't all there was were darkness. It was caused due to Lucy's wings. He looked down and up but it was still covered with Lucy's wings. There was only the gap formed due to the diverging wings extending out of Lucy's back.
    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Garry_462222

    is each wing 10 meters long or is that his wingspan?

    Lith's wing grew out to it's maximum potential when Lilith tapped Lith's back with her two fingers. He screamed on top of it's lung due to the unbearable pain given by Lilith's tap and his wings grew 10 meters long and 3 meters wide and went out of control. They started flapping on their own and created a sonic explosion due to the sheer immensity of them flapping.
    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Garry_462222

    I don't think this is right, I mean it doesn't look like he has a father so he is basically a male clone of her, so shouldn't his connection already be like 100%?

    "Wait, dear. Before sleeping you have to drink mother's blood first. It'll help you in making your bloodline with mother strong. It'll also turn this cute little vampire into a big strong vampire in the future." Mother smiled and pinched my nose playfully and said.
    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Garry_462222
    Replied to Garry_462222


    A common occurrence is that, to go from the western part of the world to the eastern part, one has to go through either the vampires, neutral and the Werewolves continent first depending upon the continent which one is in. Same applies to the Eastern part. Of course there are exceptions to this. Some rich people can directly skip stops and go to the desired destination directly if needed by paying a very hefty sum.
    Vampire's Slice Of Life
    Fantasy · SocialHippo
  • Garry_462222

    do vampires show up in photos in this universe?

    "No, I don't. She was a shy girl, remember? She didn't like when someone took photos of her," Eric uttered. "What happened? Why do you suddenly want her photo?"
    Esper Harem in the Apocalypse
    Urban · NoWoRRyMaN
  • Garry_462222

    It's not a part time job tho? just a gig, an odd job. would this school punish a student for babysitting or mowing the neighbor's lawn?

    "Are you going against the school's rules and doing a part-time job?!" he asked.
    Esper Harem in the Apocalypse
    Urban · NoWoRRyMaN
  • Garry_462222

    Ummmmmmm wow so many laws are getting violated in this world. Like client-patient confidentiality

    [They said nothing is wrong with, and his condition is perfectly fine,] the reporter responded in a calm tone.
    Esper Harem in the Apocalypse
    Urban · NoWoRRyMaN
  • Garry_462222

    That would probably be the feeling of you leaving a dark cold tunnel and stepping into the warmer sunnier outdoors.

    'I still remember the chills I got when I was passing through the tunnel. I also remember the girl's pale face. I remember the lifeless glare in the girl's eyes. I remember everything. But… I also remember that warm feeling when I was about to leave the tunnel.'
    Esper Harem in the Apocalypse
    Urban · NoWoRRyMaN
  • Garry_462222
    Replied to B_L_A_C_K_Soul

    less foreshadowing and more being smacked in the face with spoilers

    Rudy couldn't foresee the future yet. If he could, he would see himself making out with Reina in the locker room.
    Esper Harem in the Apocalypse
    Urban · NoWoRRyMaN
  • Garry_462222

    If they just stopped including money all together but still advertised as being able to win money, that would be fraud, again.

    In his previous life, the company became greedy and decreased the probability of the money from 30% to 10%. After that, they stopped giving money which was the downfall of the company.
    Esper Harem in the Apocalypse
    Urban · NoWoRRyMaN
  • Garry_462222

    Just dead with no cause? Or stabbed 112 times each?

    However, they didn't come out even after 10 hours had passed. When the officials went to check, their bodies were found in bizarre conditions.
    Esper Harem in the Apocalypse
    Urban · NoWoRRyMaN