brazzilian who loves webnovels and dont know english
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Só espero que ele pare de enrolar com a história e comece a colocar em pratica o futuro do protagonista, porque os primeiros capítulos falam da mesma coisa vez após vez. To torcendo pra yandere...
I'm really enjoying this novel, nowadays all novels seem the same, but fortunately this one is a needle in a haystack and I'm loving every chapter. My English is bad sorry rs, 😁🇧🇷
Já era hora ne kk
super small chapters
The novel is very fun and funny and makes you get more and more involved, that's why I get very excited when a new chapter comes out, however the author releases small chapters, it would be good if he released bigger ones or 2 chapters of the same size... 9/10
Is good, but the mc is dumb and too innocent, as he trusts the people who tried to kill him, it's so stupid, it seems that the MC is a child.
Victor, você acha que o Brasil vai ganhar o hexa?🇧🇷 Se sim faz um combo de capitulos 😏
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