

2021-05-08 JoinedGlobal

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  • Anakhim_Rising

    I don't get why everyone hates on Rockefeller, despite his ruthless acquisition practices and vertical integration he actually gave his customers a quality product at a more than fair price. Carnegie on the other hand was a sack of dung.

    Aron had decided to handle the solar resources like that because he believed that only the empire would have the capability to swallow such gains without harming itself. Any private sector enterprise given the vast mineral rights to the entire solar system would cut corners to increase profits, which wouldn’t be beneficial to the fledgling economy in the least. He had learned of the dangers of monopolies from history, with shining examples like the Rockefeller family highlighting the path that he should definitely not take.
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising
    Replied to Maginus_Sama

    Ah! Now I know. I forgot her name. Thanks.

    Felix looked troubled. “I’d say that I could hire them as designers at HHI, but that’d defeat the purpose of looking for ‘Lamarrs’. Plus, monopolies—even at their loosest—are downright terrible for the economy and we can’t afford that right now.”
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising

    Lamarrs? Can someone explain this term?

    Felix looked troubled. “I’d say that I could hire them as designers at HHI, but that’d defeat the purpose of looking for ‘Lamarrs’. Plus, monopolies—even at their loosest—are downright terrible for the economy and we can’t afford that right now.”
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising
    Replied to pheonixblue01

    I wouldn't have asked but I would have wondered. Or done the calculations myself.

    (Ed note: I’m assuming that the shuttle can fly at least four times as fast as the orbital period of the ISS, which is 90 minutes, giving it a theoretical orbital period of 15 minutes and cutting that to something that sounds good to cover the distance from Saudi Arabia to Eden. 9 minutes sounded good, so that’s what the ETA is.)
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising

    LOVE IT!!! Excellent wordsmithing.

    The RES-QR bots swarmed into the facility and immediately headed toward the reactor that was rapidly approaching a meltdown. In order to not interfere with the evacuating staff, they traveled along the ceilings, the artificial gravity plating on their bellies telling the known laws of physics to kindly go fuck themselves as they changed the definition of the word “down”.
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising


    Ch 433 The Most Hands-Off Emperor in History
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising
    Replied to stefanus101

    I guess that makes me second. Too bad.

    Ch 432 They Sent a Scout
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising
    Replied to Kam_Kam_10

    I think "now had" is what he was going for.

    The voice not had come to an end from the magical device. There seemed to be nothing else left on there in terms of sounds or voices. No clues as to who it actually came from or who had left all of the information.
    Dark Magus Returns
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Anakhim_Rising

    "...not level, but flatten ..." I love it! Excellent phrasing Agent!

    Herschel finally calmed himself and returned his focus to the broadcast, where the world leaders had already recovered and begun discussing the next amendment on the list. But something seemed missing; their dispirited appearances—well, most of them anyway—showed that Aron setting a precedent by using one of his “free” demands had demoralized them. Now, no matter what they did, they had to consider that he might just bring his demands in to not level, but flatten the playing field and everyone on it.
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising

    RIP Mr. Lee, you will be missed.

    (Ed note: Stan Lee was an American patriot and volunteered to serve in the Army Signal Corps during WWII. That said, he was always willing to stand up for the “little guy” and wouldn’t have bought into the propaganda painting Aron as a villain. If nothing else, the hospitals and schools opened by the Coeus Foundation and the lengths to which he went to ensure that disabilities were accommodated by the GAIA OS would’ve convinced him that Aron was a good guy. Stan Lee was far from stupid, after all, nor was he blind.)
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising
    Replied to Agent_047

    While I've got you, even at Aron's crazy level of Clarketech, using atomic printers to print explosives is technically impossible. The thing that makes explosives work is that the molecular bonds are unstable and easy to break. Thus, if you try to assemble the molecules an atom at a time, the molecules will spontaneously disassemble halfway through the process. The only way to make it work would be to assemble the molecules inside a stasis field where the interior is frozen in a single moment. Thus far Aron doesn't have that tech but it might be something to retcon in. That also opens up stasis shielding for the inevitable exoatmospheric combat situations.

    Ten of the launched rockets contained payloads consisting of atomic printers and fusion generators to power them. Their job was to clear the debris from the orbits, both the shrapnel from the recent war and the outdated satellites and other space junk that would serve no purpose in the future once Aron put his current-generation tech into use. And they would be accompanied by two tenders, which were small craft capable of collecting the output blocks of raw material referred to as “printer cartridges” for security’s sake, then bring them to the L1 Lagrange Point for secure storage until they were needed in the future.
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising

    L1, 2, and 3 are not stable points. Any satellite placed there needs active thrusters to maintain position. A better place would be the L4 or 5 points which are not only stable, but also natural asteroid collection points. Think of L1, 2, and 3 as the tops of hills, and L4 and 5 like the valleys between.

    Ten of the launched rockets contained payloads consisting of atomic printers and fusion generators to power them. Their job was to clear the debris from the orbits, both the shrapnel from the recent war and the outdated satellites and other space junk that would serve no purpose in the future once Aron put his current-generation tech into use. And they would be accompanied by two tenders, which were small craft capable of collecting the output blocks of raw material referred to as “printer cartridges” for security’s sake, then bring them to the L1 Lagrange Point for secure storage until they were needed in the future.
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising
    Replied to Katherine_Ftw_9869

    Technically not a double release because they missed yesterday's release. The second set is just the backlog.

    Ch 397 The Declaration (part 2)
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising
    Replied to BrightestDay

    He only live streamed within Eden-Esparia, the coalition thinks he's still cut off from the internet.

    Ch 381 Fireworks and Blankets
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising
    Replied to Kelnok

    I assume the server migration is not going as anticipated. 047 has confirmed he will mass-release the backlog as soon as he can get access to the new servers.

    Ch 342 Operation Stygian Crossing (part 1)
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising
    Replied to Feliprins1

    Anything more recent?

    Ch 342 Operation Stygian Crossing (part 1)
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising
    Replied to Zarivon

    Tezka is part of the Association which has Mogar's recognition. I think the open season on Abominations is basically on hold for the foreseeable future.

    "For the record, I'm not interested in Lith outside of a platonic relationship." Everyone but Tezka, who kept sipping his drink and eating ice cream. "I'm his honorable guest. Please, leave me alone if you Guardians come here to smite these pesky ants."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Anakhim_Rising

    Good note, thanks.

    (Ed note: an auriga was the slave who, historians believe, would whisper "memento mori" into the ears of powerful Roman authorities (such as the emperor, senators, legates, and even gladiatorial champions) to remind them that they weren't perfect and were only human.)
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising

    Thanks for the info.

    The consensus was that it was due to the app having the ability to port the data from their previous social media accounts and upload them in the new app without any compatibility issues. That meant people had no need to return to their previous social media platforms, since their followers and people they followed would automatically be consolidated on Pangea from every one of their existing social media accounts. It also had a new, cooler, and more aesthetically pleasing appearance, not to mention a better discovery algorithm that ensured the media they saw in their Panthalassa was tailored to their interests. Thus, the time people would normally spend scrolling through multiple social media platforms was now all dedicated to one: Pangea. (Ed note: Like Pangea was the name of the mega continent in the past, Panthalassa was the name of the combined ocean that surrounded it. So, like Facebook has a wall and Twitter has a feed, Pangea has the Panthalassa)
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047
  • Anakhim_Rising

    Gee Whiz, two chapters a day doesn't quite give me my fix. Excellent work 047.

    Ch 253 Plots and Schemes and Helicopters, Oh My!
    Getting a Technology System in Modern Day
    Sci-fi · Agent_047