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~CH. 65 The score should actually be a bit higher but the variables are equally distributed, I should give it 4.5. It is a great story, but I didnt see any Kingdom building except a bit from the prince. If you look for a slow pacing adventure (as much as I can tell now), it is good. The MC is... what can I say, dont really reflect his experiences as someone who lived for 364 reincarnations. The stutter and undeciveness inbetween is really more or less showing someone who had one life time and that is it, and as such I see him. The side characters are fine. World building too etc. What is really really annoying is the really slow pacing, I mean reaaaaaally slow. If you like reading 5 or so chapters about how they fight for one night, be my guest but I can not or how they sit and talk... And I already jumped multiple chapters because it is soooo slow. I can see for what it is and as such, I greatly appreciate it but nothing for me and there is almost no Kingdom building.
Not really, it is basically every Utopia. Communism is just what we know of the most, because of the internet trend of last years. And it is a funny meme indeed :) Everyone loves to work, everyone helps each other and provides what is needed etc. You can plot it to basically every endgoal of every ideology and it will hold. Only the means to the end are different.
I don't think so but the information is scarce. If a Monster goes to thinner Mana levels, it "loses" Mana and can't sustain itself by absorbing the less dense Mana. Thus, my hypothesis is that Mana is something they take in, use, and it flows out - in which form, I don't know. Very Basic, it should most likely be like breathing - even if you take Oxygen in and CO_2 comes out, it never gets lost, it just "changes" to say it very rough.
I read it till Chapter 140+ Everything is good, I just really find every character, especially the MC, unsympathetic. They are really good written in their way but it is at the same time...just not my thing. I crawled till chapter where he slept with his "wife" and then just stopped. I really can't read stuff like this where the progression between the relationship of characters is just not there or so insanely negative that I cant see a reason why they "kinda" fall in love (or something). I just stopped there. If you can ignore this aspect (or like it even), go for it, but for me - it is a drop.
I dont know why so many readers call him a retard? Being "talented" in one thing doesn't mean you also talented in other things. Also, if I would do one thing my whole life, which I loved and then died or whatever and reborn in some world where this thing doesn't exist at all, I would be extremely depressed. Let me give an example: Programming (nothing fancy and mathematical). If you can do it and can do it really well but the new world doesn't have computers and writing algorithms on paper and such is not really the same for you, you cant do anything about it. Somethings are practically impossible to build up from scratch, so you can enjoy your "thing" again - which, I can understand him, if he is depressed and somewhat down and don't really want to do anything else. Don't also forget that time for him, is much different. 17 years was like a blink of an eye for him in his old world.